Need Critique (and paintover)
See? You have a good eye for these things.

Regarding face: You're right that her arms are relatively dark and high-contrast compared to her face. It's not strictly a problem, but it could be made more consistent (either make the face's shadows darker or lighten the arms).

To get nit-picky about the face, what sticks out at me is that the balance of realistic and anime features doesn't feel quite right. You've got semi-realistic shading and details, but then her mouth is a black void, like you'd see in some particularly primitive anime. Having a visible tongue would probably help, but I think you may need to push everything either in a more consistently realistic or more consistently anime direction.

Regarding her leather-skirt thing: There doesn't -need- to be any pronounced folds on her skirt-thing, since it does look like a short piece of some tough animal hide. Exactly how realistic and textured you should make it depends on the style you're going for. An easy way to find references for leather garments of that type is to search for images of nomadic groups that live in cold places and make all of their clothes from animals, such as Chukchis or Inuits.

Actually, the part of her clothing that would benefit most from having more folds would be her gloves. Even if they're skin-tight, you would see wrinkles in bent elbows and clenched fists.

Regarding hair: I think the fact that the hair doesn't have any interior details and is shaded with a soft-ish brush only is making it look flat. Personally, I would do more line-work in the hair, or use a hard-edged brush to indicate some strands or masses, or just work in more details with that soft brush you're using. Regarding shading hair in general, I think it gets really dark in places where it shouldn't (such as on the top of her head), but I'm not certain. There's no way to get a good feel for hair except to study it from photos and life, especially if you're going for a semi-realistic look.

Other posters on this forum can probably give you more useful feedback than me. One problem here is that you're at a skill level where critiques and paintovers can only go so far; you have no real major screw-ups to correct, and you're going for a style where sheer technical mastery isn't the most important aspect. Which leads to my next question: Which artists do you look up to for style? Whatever artists you admire have probably already solved whatever stylization problems you're dealing with; you just have to look at their work more closely.

Messages In This Thread
Need Critique (and paintover) - by Duke Lawalevu - 04-18-2020, 01:37 PM
RE: Need Critique (and paintover) - by Pubic Enemy - 04-19-2020, 01:54 AM
RE: Need Critique (and paintover) - by John - 04-20-2020, 12:49 AM
RE: Need Critique (and paintover) - by Dahlia - 04-20-2020, 03:47 AM

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