Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches!
@Grotessive: Thank you! ^^
@ Jyonny: HEy buddy, thanks a lot! Yeah it helps indeed! I guess you're right.. It's all about pushing that "butt moment" in the beginnings of learning a new process... It's very tiring but I have to suck it up and hopefully I'll end up having a bit o fun in these! As Riley suggested, maybe I should try to some sort of "House of my Dreams" or simply do a scene and put a building of that kind in it.. the final goal is that I can finally use perspective in my drawings more and have more complex backgrounds and not be as scared to draw buildings when I need to! :)

Thanks for the support! Means a lot!

You are your only limits!


Messages In This Thread
RE: Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches! - by Nemome - 10-24-2012, 01:26 AM
RE: Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches! - by Brainfruit - 12-04-2012, 09:25 PM
RE: Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches! - by Brainfruit - 12-05-2012, 10:54 AM
RE: Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches! - by Brainfruit - 12-05-2012, 09:46 PM
RE: Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches! - by Brainfruit - 01-23-2013, 01:54 AM
RE: Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches! - by LaleAnn - 04-03-2015, 07:49 AM

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