Becoming friends with fellow artists
Hello and ...How Ironic!! I have posted something rather similar (in regards to making friends that do digital painting any way) on the deviantART forums. I personally feel that 95% of the 750+ people that "watch me" don't actually give a damn what I do.. most probably stemming back to 6 maybe even 7 years ago from when I was into photomanips (badly done) but I learned from that. I've been struggling with digital painting now for must be around 3 years. Last year I took a year out (ish) due to home renovation, moving and medical stuff. But now I'm back and I really want to improve... more so than improving I want to do it along side friends and fellow like minded artists!! It would be a pleasure to get to know you and perhaps others who have posted on this forum (hello all) and learn from each other as we go. Up to you, take care and good luck on your journey... I look forward to your response and I'm off to invade your dA :D

Ps. Don't worry so much about artists that are "better" than you. I've discovered all artists (not matter how skilled) generally fit into 3 categories. 1. RARE (especially on dA) Artists that will help and respect you no matter what because they enjoy helping others. 2. FOOLS Arists who think (even if they are) that they're better than you and don't deserve their time of day. 3. 'Well I don't have a subname' but generally those who (as mentioned by others) are jealous, manipulative, envious, nasty etc... and not in a good way. There are too many people in type 3 (sadly) but I have found Daggers to be such a wonderful place and every single one seems to be a type 1 rare person who goes above and beyond to help anyone. I've only been here a week or so but in this last week I've learned so much and met so many wonderful and inspiring people. Despite if their work is better than mine... I know with help from such lovely people I will get there. And along the way if I can help others too then that's even better!! Toxicpanda (T00xicpanda on dA) brought me here, she's a real doll. But since she's better than me I'm trapped in that "I don't want to disturb her" and "her work is amazing how can I say anything constructive to improve on what I already think is amazing". But I have to push myself past that and basically if you don't ask... you won't receive. If you don't crit (even if someone is better) then who are you to expect crits from others? This is a lovely place and you seem like one of the lovely ones :D I'm sure you'll find your place here and your own circle of friends *pick me, pick me!!* lol... No but seriously.. we'll get there I am sure. Take care and remember... have fun.


© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 

Messages In This Thread
Becoming friends with fellow artists - by Orhia - 04-03-2013, 09:04 PM
RE: Becoming friends with fellow artists - by SpectreX - 04-03-2013, 09:31 PM
RE: Becoming friends with fellow artists - by jeshields - 04-03-2013, 11:56 PM
RE: Becoming friends with fellow artists - by ChrisBjors - 06-02-2013, 05:51 AM
RE: Becoming friends with fellow artists - by bluecs9 - 08-28-2013, 06:15 AM
RE: Becoming friends with fellow artists - by missimoinsane - 08-28-2013, 11:02 AM

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