Just Improve
Hey! I can tell you that you're right in deviating from perfectionism. Simply do the absolute best that your being can muster and walk away pleased.

I'd say in terms of improvement, get started on blasting out as many gesture drawings and anatomy studies as you can. This will give you a much better picture of the figure. Start posing them and playing with what you know from your head to gauge where you're at.

As far as painting goes, find a well-known painting book like Alla Prima or Eye of the Painter. These will permit you to gather painting fundamentals while working on your anatomical library. Paint from photos or life to reinforce what you're reading.

This should really help you accelerate your progress. Best of luck!

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Messages In This Thread
Just Improve - by Forthelove - 06-24-2013, 09:16 AM
RE: Just Improve - by Einver - 06-24-2013, 11:44 AM
RE: Just Improve - by smrr - 06-24-2013, 06:22 PM

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