Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
@mat: yeah, I guess you're right! I hope though if I get my gestures a bit more fluent, everything will look a bit more dynamic. Thanks for reminding me of the shapes again, I really should practice this as well (the list of things I should practice gets longer and longer....orz ). Glad you like my newest stuff (: And yeah, brushes...I should also definetely check out brushes...the thing is, the longer the list, the less I get done XD I should really get some clarity about priorities as well...and whoops the list got longer again...

@pnate Thanks so much for mentioning Brad Rigney, I knew his artwork actually, but I dug up the crimson conversation with him yesterday and it was such a great thing to listen to! I'm glad you like the little portrait, I was experimenting a bit here. And yes, I'm really passionate about this stuff, at least the drawing style, I'm not always sure about the way I want to colour though...I really really really love such flat bold colours, but I also like the subtle shades of my watercolours....I'm so confused when it comes to sorting this thing out, it really gives me a hard time.

@Nowio HAHA NO, how did you come up with this idea? Yeah, you're right, it's ultimately always your own decision. Wishing you all the best and a lot of energy to power trough your situation! And that little drawing is cute, doesn't look like a dark secret at all...

@jamesarc thank you so much, glad you like them! Lately I didn't have much time for watercolours but I'll take them with me next week to lifedrawing again, so I hope I can post some new sketches then!


Here is just some little update. I started reading "Force - Dynamic Life Drawing for Animators" by Michael D. Mattesi. I think it will really help me to understand the dynamics and energy of a pose better. Copied a couple of drawings out of the book and will continue to do so as I go on reading, also tried to put into practice what I already learned yesterday at lifedrawing. I was really suprised, man! I totally had a blast, because suddenly I wasn't analyizing the figure for anatomy any longer but rather felt it, and I really saw those curves. I'm curious how this will develop, above all it really feels fresh, I like it a lot. The results suddenly look as if somebody else drew it, and are a bit messy, but yeah!


[Image: force_studies_01_by_cyprinusfox-d7m1sb7.jpg]

[Image: force_studies_02_by_cyprinusfox-d7m1sb3.jpg]


[Image: lifedrawing_24_01_2014_by_cyprinusfox-d7m1sb1.jpg]

[Image: lifedrawing_24_02_2014_by_cyprinusfox-d7m1sax.jpg]

Only problem are the proportions again, the more dynamic I get, the worse the proportions. I hope this will get better as I go on observing and practicing.

Did a couple of studies of details out of Kim Jung Gi's work...the man is fantastic. Was trying to analyze what I love so much about his work besides the fact that he can draw practically everything that exists in this world. Out of his head. Without a sketch.

[Image: studies_12_06_2014_by_cyprinusfox-d7m1sap.jpg]

And a couple of pages out of my new train/tram/whatever sketchbook. Not giving up on the dream of having them look really cool at some point in the future. Set myself the goal to do at least one page every time I get on a train or tram or whatever, if it's possible, that is.

[Image: chiabook_0607_by_cyprinusfox-d7m1sbb.jpg]

[Image: chiabook_0809_by_cyprinusfox-d7m1sb8.jpg]

That's it for now, see you!



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RE: Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward! - by Cyprinus - 06-12-2014, 11:18 PM

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