JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master!
Artloader Nearly two years late reply but yea Dai writes the scripts (It's a Welsh name although it sounds japanese XD) we still work together and he's writing the story for our new comic, I am getting published in print for the first time with it, pretty awesome milestone \^_^/


I'm going to try and maintain this sketchbook thread again! 

I've started doing these evening studies where I pick an IP or subject and do a page in my sketchbook. My goals are to absorb design skills, gain knowledge about new subjects and start to improve composition/graphic design by trying to make the page look pleasing without the option of lassoing and moving stuff digitally.

I would probably get more benefit out of these if I did a second page of my own designs using stuff I learned from the study page, but I keep finding that when I set myself too many targets I end up missing them, getting annoyed with myself, put off doing the studies cause I know i don't have time to do a second page and in the end I miss many days of sketchbook drawing. Turning over a new leaf I am going easy on myself, just relax, have fun and draw characters and things I like. 

Here's a bunch of them from the last couple weeks.

Disney Princess head shapes

Avatar the last airbender

Random studio ghibli characters

Klaus character designs by Torsten Schrank

Legend of Korra costumes

Avatar the last airbender expressions

Streetfighter comic art by Omar Dogan

Nausicaa character heads

Men's jackets from pinterest

Mutant: Year Zero game

Piggies simplified from photos

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453

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RE: JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master! - by JyonnyNovice - 03-14-2020, 11:10 AM

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