CGMA, Gnomon or other online courses?
Thank you guys!

Yeah @Psychotime, that's what it is with online classes without a direct contact with the teacher..

@Par Gin: Thanks, I was subscribed to the Oatley's Magic Box last year but it didn't work well for me 'cause there's no supervision or "obligations"/deadlines to meet. I need a frame to work in.

I've been self taught for years now, went to New York for a few traditional courses and a year in a (lame) art school here in Switzerland and I keep following every useful tutorials/livestreams I can.. But it's not enough anymore, I need some education now and the online classes out there seem to me to be the best choice I can make right now. I'm finally taking this very seriously and I intend to put it the right amount of effort. :)

You are your only limits!


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RE: CGMA, Gnomon or other online courses? - by LaleAnn - 04-23-2014, 06:21 PM

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