|| Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system
clockodile : So much great feedback!!! Really man, thanks a lot, it has helped me out tons ( specially the skull refs). Totally great idea about the color picking policy, I'll try that out in the next photo studies, I think it is really a great way to go about it. I have sketched a few imaginative things but I think I'll be increasing the ratio because I still do way more studies than personal stuff and I don't wanna stiff up. I have tried Hogarth's method and Loomis, but they really don't work for me, I get lost in perspective and I end up making a mess, so I'll be finding a mix between systems and my own personal way to do it, I think it will help, that and the skulls will get me where I want I think, I just need to keep burning my brain for a couple weeks hahaha.

Again, thanks a lot for the in depth feedback man, really appreciate it :D

AngeliquevdMee: Thanks man! Good idea about keeping the topics to study/ invent close so it's easier to relate them, I'll try it soon! and thanks for dropping by too. :)

So, I have used clockodile's linked refs to study the skull and I think I'll stick to that for a while.
I have mainly drawn them with pencil and simple rendering to get a grasp on how the perspective distorts and their main planes, trying to stay between simple-complicated to further my knowledge without making it too hard to remember. Also did an experiment which was painting with color using the B&W ref and trying to make up a palette and see how I could integrate diferent hues in a limited value range. Sadly , my lapto is on fire and my wacom glitched out, so it was like using MS Paint, and thus I gave up 30 minutes in hehe. Btw the reference drawings took around 20-25 minutes each. After that I did many rough quick sketches to familiarise with the planes and structure.

[Image: facestructurestudy001.jpg]
[Image: facestructurestudy002.jpg]
[Image: colorstudy007.jpg]



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RE: || Cold Coffe || Getting serious with caffeine in my system - by Suira - 07-30-2014, 10:35 PM

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