CRIMSON CHOW #8 - The Last Pilot WIP
BlueBear - Exercise is awesome for motivation on every level! If you keep with this very symmetrical composition it could be a very graphical piece, nice job!

Adrian - You mentioned and I agree, the design is very random, there is so much going on, is hard to focus on anything, maybe try to do some more iterations of it.

Crackedskull - I don't get it, it's a war scene? with a kid?

Artleech - Some cool ideas there, bottom left of the second image is my favorite.

Inkdulcet - Nice to see a different style! Nice work, keep going!

Some thumbs, I really wanna finish this time :D


Messages In This Thread
CRIMSON CHOW #8 - The Last Pilot WIP - by pnate - 12-01-2014, 10:27 AM
RE: CRIMSON CHOW #8 - The Last Pilot WIP - by M.Calza - 12-05-2014, 03:37 AM

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