Deranged Reveries - Spellsword's Sketchbook
Started replaying Mass Effect trilogy again, sketched my favourite character - Tali. Seems like I have a crush on an alien girl.

And finished another Moleskine sketchbook. Into my art-box it goes, to rest with others to be unearthed in the far future. Here are last pages and a short poem I call the "Ode to the finished sketchbook, to fill the last page because I want to move to the new, hardcover one, as fast as possible"

"Once blank and empty paper archs,
Devoid of purpose, mute and blind,
Are now adorned with charcoal marks
Contrived by thoughts of a decadent mind."


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RE: Deranged Reveries - Spellsword's Sketchbook - by Spellsword95 - 07-30-2015, 01:46 AM

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