WAY behind on my art- seeking partner to motivate me
Hello Inagada and Hadorei! Fellow aspiring illustrator over here. I relate to your loneliness, i know that from personal experience, i don't have "art friends", and i understand that it is definitely hard to keep motivated every single day. 

That's why i started posting some of my stuff here( i'm new like Hadorei), to meet people and share some of our stories. You just need some direction where to go in order to improve, what do you want to improve in the first place? Drawing skills? Lines? Tone? There's definitely a lot to learn, something that i struggle to internalize, is that it takes time to learn and improve. One of the things that has helped me to have more ideas is to write them down! I have had moments when i say "well, i wanna draw something cool" and then grab a board or paper but i have nothing in my mind, any idea, nothing, but lately i have been writting down ideas, like for example: Fatty warrior, big shield, angry. Those words help me to stay focused in the subject and do a lot of sketches about it. When you restrict yourslef, you are more focused to create new ideas on that subject.

It would be awesome to have a hangout group to chat and be accountable to each other! We can share same ideas and talk about each others work and journeys.

Take care and keep drawing!

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RE: WAY behind on my art- seeking partner to motivate me - by Miguel - 02-26-2017, 03:52 AM

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