License agreement on Art Station and New Grounds etc
Thanks for understanding PE.  I agree that sometimes those prices are offered by folks where the value of a buck is many times higher or from kids. ie:  I just saw someone on NewGrounds offering fan art for 10$ and their bio listed them as US based. 

I remember when I was a kid, a friend and I drew little pictures of birds with color-pencils and went around our little neighborhood selling them to kind old ladies for a nickel.  So age is definitely a factor when it comes to pricing.  : )

I have a Whelan book with his original sketches and some of this thoughts about his process and always liked his stuff.

It's sad to think about someone at his level feeling like THAT.  (My parents tried to WARN ME.  hahahaha)

So I've been doing some research on fan art (and a LOT on AI I'll save for another time).

I had to answer a subpoena from Apple when a client of mine tried to trade-mark an image I did for him.  Fortunately for me he agree to take full responsibility for the design he had me do — but clearly some companies will guard their copyrights vigorously. 

Remember Shepard Fairey losing his battle with Associated Press over the Obama pic he did:

Hoping better things for you and all of the CD fam.

Thanks again PE


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RE: License agreement on Art Station and New Grounds etc - by Jephyr - 11-30-2022, 12:08 PM

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