Silver's Sketchbook
You've got a lot of great stuff in here, Silver. It's a bit redundant, I know, but just keep pushing your values more and more. Specifically, in this last painting, your missing almost all of your cast shadow/ambient occlusion information, as well as some core shadows. That alone will push your renderings so much further and add much more read and life to them.

Well...Back to paint after 2 weeks of holidays !! but it's time to produce again!!

Girl sketch, value practice, ref used.

Hope somebody likes !

Sketching sketches!

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Oo nice to see you're doing daily updates! I like what you're doing, keep going :)

@pnate thank you a toon for commenting on my sb! i relly appreciate it :3


Back to this, not finished yet :)

Very cool man! My favorite is the #84, I like the colors (:

I now it's been along time! but i'm finally back.

back to digital after 2 months :

i'l finish it tomorrow i swear xD

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