Sesshoumaru expression! [WIP]
Hey guys :)

Gosh, so much time I don't come around here. :/ sry.

Well, I'm doing a painting of Sesshoumaru:

[Image: sesshoumaru_wip2_post_by_mateusrocha-d5ah3k7.jpg]

I have a doubt on this one. For those who knows Sesshoumaru: in this image I'm doing he's like ready to grab/attack/use poison, but his face expressions just seems too normal.... however, he's known for the lack of expression... :( any toughts?

Did some changes....


[Image: sesshoumaru_wip3_post_by_mateusrocha-d5ahixl.jpg]

Hey mateusrocha, did a quick little paint over. I mostly moved the head around so it's not facing directly at the viewer because a straight on face is sometimes boring, and I also gave him more of an action type pose. Don't know much about the character but I also put some green effect around his hand for his poison attack; to show that he's casting something.

Hope this gives you some ideas.

Small tip as well, don't use complete white or black. Use another darker/lighter color but keep it at around 80-90%

[Image: Exampleidea.jpg]
Hey, yea what dennis did is great. Also, never cut the hands or have them going off-canvas. They're way too important as focal points (in images like these especially) and in other cases make people look like amputees. Extend the canvas a little and do the hand!
Thanks guys!

Yeah, a friend already told me about the pure black/white :/ I need to practice that, gonna try out!

And Dennis, gosh, thanks for reminding me about the poison stuff, hahaha I've already forgot about it!!

Sam, about the hand, I made it "complete", that's just a part of the canvas :P The whole image shows up to his crotch!

Thanks so much for the help guys!


And here's the final version :)


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