09-10-2012, 10:58 AM
Hey all.
I'm Danille. I'm twenty-five, Canadian and I'm looking to improve. Left art school feeling quite inexperienced, so I'm eager to get things going again. On a course towards concept art/illustration, so kindly tear me a new one critique-wise and I'll be keeping up for sure. I'll start with some old work/studies.


Some more imaginative work. Sketches will follow.

I'm Danille. I'm twenty-five, Canadian and I'm looking to improve. Left art school feeling quite inexperienced, so I'm eager to get things going again. On a course towards concept art/illustration, so kindly tear me a new one critique-wise and I'll be keeping up for sure. I'll start with some old work/studies.


Some more imaginative work. Sketches will follow.