Fell off the bandwagon.
The truth is that i started my Deathline in December and was crazy amped.

Here's the blog post:


Six months and I haven't made any real progress on any of these goals. Most of it is not taking mental responsibility for my life decisions.

I'm starting a new Deathline. the big thing is that I'm going to be finishing two pieces a week, no matter if they're shitty or not perfect, the goal is just to continually finish pieces and do studies to support this.

Looking for an Apollo Creed. Must love slo mo runs on the beach, leaping bro hugs, and training in the shitty gyms while sweating heavily.


Tube socks required.
Oh yeah,

I'm 28 years old, live in Seattle, WA, and if you want to contact me, i'm at mickeycyphers (at) gmail (dot) com.
woooowie the dedication lol
lol. You're right Oxefer. I've been busy learning 3d skills while working as a concept artist at Zombie Studios. That is NOT a valid excuse for not posting work and getting better :) I haven't been taking the time necessary to improve my work outside of studio work. Thanks for making sure to keep me honest :)

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