
so after a comprehensive crit from Istebrak (thank you) toned the colours back and expanded the canvas. not sure if this is working (better than it was, but still feel its a little empty next to the dragon...might need to bring the supporting army in closer,) still need to fix the orks hands and face...sort of rendered over black scribble and haven't got to properly toning that black back, and the armour is a leetle off
the composition is much better now.
But your problem now is that your characters look too stiff, lifeless maybe.
Your last W40K pieces for example, all they looked like you used real warhammer miniatures to do the illustration. And i think that happens because you focus to much on rendering in detriment of other things like movement, mood, etc.
Studying from life will eliminate that problem though. :)

Keep pushing man, you are off to make a huge step forward!

thanks man, yeah, i need to loosen up on the gestures, and render less, got a feeling it might be worth blurring the central character and start from scratch with him. dunno if the attackers look looser or not? sort of developing a blind spot on this one XD

quick studies, self portraits, 40 minutes or so on each, trying to more accurately draw what i see without having to remeasure every element multiple times to make sure it matched the reference..few months ago i think this would have taken a lot longer and many somethings improving XD reference photos dating back from 5 yrs ago to a couple of weeks ago, the beards remained, though probably more grey in it now

Istes 14 day face challenge, day 1 hoping i got the criteria right...

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