I'm new to the forum and forums in general
Hi, My names Nick,
I'm trying to shift into an art based job, from currently doing data analysis. I've no real training, I left artschool 13 yrs ago after 9 months there, and have kinda muddled through,

I just joined, hoping that i can get some feed back on how to improve the work i'm doing. I've been painting digitally for about 2 yrs...on and off, and i'm slowly starting to get to grips with photoshop. I can paint what i see pretty well now using that software (Portraits etc), but I struggle with good composition when it comes to original work, and i want to be working doing fantasy/sci fi illustration full time. Naturally i've got a DA account, but i very very rarely get constructive feedback...its usually just comments such as "nice job" or some such (always nice to get comments like that, but not entirely constructive when you know the piece is nowhere near the epic quality the pros are producing)
this is my most recent "finished" piece

And whilst i can see its not right...its stumping me how to improve on it
My Gallery is : http://eztarg8.deviantart.com/gallery/

any how, not sure what else to say 'cept Hi

Attached Files Image(s)

Hey whats up guys, i'm one of the older daggers being unsheathed again :D Just found out we had our own private forums now so just had to sign up and see how things were rolling. I've fallen off the grid for awhile but I'm hoping to spring back! Looking forward to all the awesome studies and original pieces everyone is going to toss up!
Ha, think i missed an "I'm" at the beginning of this thread...it was meant to be n introducing myself XD...I'll edit that (I hope it can be edited)

oh...and hello Zeth
Hey other Nick! (my name's Nick as well)

I can totally relate! I also have an admin day-job and am also looking for more critical eyes that just point out where i'm going wrong ;)

Though saying you're much farther along than i am ;)

Hey guys, welcome back to the community! Hope you settle in well and work hard :}

(10-15-2012, 07:36 PM)kerro perro Wrote: Hey other Nick! (my name's Nick as well)

I can totally relate! I also have an admin day-job and am also looking for more critical eyes that just point out where i'm going wrong ;)

Though saying you're much farther along than i am ;)

thanks dude, and Hi :)

(10-15-2012, 09:07 PM)Laura_H Wrote: Hey guys, welcome back to the community! Hope you settle in well and work hard :}

thanks :) work hard is my middle name...well one of them, the precursor is "doesn't" but hoping this place will push me to

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