Jan's Digital Sketchbook
Soo - that's a selfportrait I did last night in about 4 to 5 hours. I'm thinking about colorizing it.
I'm still trying to get it as photorealistic as possible, but something's still missing. Maybe you can help out? I'd be thankful for every tipp or critic!

i decided to try the colorizing and did it really quick in about 30 minutes -got some problems with the hair...

hey good job on the self portrait bro, looks pretty realistic to me. I dont have any crits beside the fact that id like to see some imagination work looks like you have a handle on your edge control, lets see more and keep pushing

*He who says he can and he who says he cant are usually both correct*
thanks, bro! nice to hear :D
I'll see what I can bring up next - I promise some more imagination ;D
sooo - finally i came to do something!^^

hope you like it, feedback is more then welcome! it's my first try with some environment and perspective...


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