Drawing Movement?
I'm pretty new at drawing so it might just be me lacking speed and efficiency, but I've been out a little bit and trying to draw. Sometimes I'll pick a target that doesn't stay put very well, and by the time I've tried to get a basic framework down they've already moved. How do I effectively draw when my reference is constantly shifting?

As for people that are walking, etc. and are in constant motion, what's the best way to draw them? I've seen sketches of people evidently in motion, but wondering how the artists manage to put so much into them. Speed? Or do they get a basic framework down and add in details from what they remember and prior experience?
When sketching people live the details are of secondary importance, try not to concentrate on creating a perfect drawing with very tight linework etc but capturing a certain pose etc. With this type of life drawing the purpose is not to create perfect drawings but to improve and perfect your ability to draw ;). Because you'll be drawing very expressively with quick fluid pencil marks to indicate detail and space rather than refine it, your drawings will have a 'lively' feel or life to them that creates a feel of movement.

It really is just practice with this type of drawing, many times also a person will go back to a pose that they were in before they moved.

Just keep drawing from life and studying and your progress will come naturally.

Also do you have a sketchbook here with these drawings? If so, link me and I'll take a look and give you some feedback.

Sorry for the late reply--oh gosh. Thanks, though! That's helpful advice. I get bogged down by details often, so that's probably what it is that's catching me up.

I do have a sketchbook (of three images), but I don't draw regularly enough at this point to have consistent sketches. What I do know is that I really need to work on building on quick, fluid, confident lines, like you've alluded to here.

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