How can I improve from this?
Hey! I'd done this painting as part of a fun little art trade with another person on DeviantART, but the more I look at it the more I hate it.

I can already see the big problems really - poor composition, muddy values and all that but I cannot for the life of me figure out how I can fix these issues in future. I just keep making the same mistakes, over and over, despite trying to force myself not to.

I was hoping one of you wonderful people would be able to point me in the right direction. (:

(Also just occurred to me this might be in the wrong area on the forum. Sorry, it I've messed up!)
You can start improving by using only one brush for your next painting. Maybe 2.
I'll get painting right away, and this time, no abusing the custom brushes, ha. Thank you, Frankie! c:

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