Taylor's Sketchbook of Patterns and Progress.
Hey Foxfire! Thanks for the kind words.

As for studying, Andrew Loomis' "Creative Illustration" really put composition in a new light for me, I'd recommend The practice & science of drawing" by Harold speed, as that also has some immensely helpful compositional keys.

Otherwise, I simply look at art that I love, and pull apart the comp in my mind. Asking myself why the artist arranged their elements in that manner.

I usually max out on 20 hours per piece, and most fall below the 5 hour line. Commissions usually run 6-12.

I feel my biggest point right now is to take 2-3 pieces a month beyond the 20 hour barrier without ruining them. lol.


Here are some recent works! I'll post more tomorrow. Have to decide on a piece to spend 20 hours on too, so maybe some thumbnails are in order


Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
Quick update. :)

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
Some sketches-- really trying to hop back to the sketchbook more.

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
That dude with 2 knives one post above mine (#103) is just pure epicness!
Your environments are slightly messy, there's like a sharp style to them and putting in really smooth strokes kinda kills it. Go for one or the other IMO :)

3D/VFX artist, entrepreneur and photographer
Katara's Path to Mastery (SB) | Art Blog
Hey, thanks for the feedback, David! I'll try to keep them separate or find a better means of hybridizing them. Whatever works, y'know?

So it's been a bit since my last update, here's some recent works to get the ball rolling again.
[Image: loop_by_taylor_payton-d7oco14.jpg]
[Image: yuckums_by_taylor_payton-d7ocr8n.png]
[Image: growth_by_taylor_payton-d7ocqjt.png]
[Image: waxxing_by_taylor_payton-d7hfshu.jpg]

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
interesting hellish concepts man!, now some of you comps lacks of some levels of depht to immerge more the viewer imo, for the rest keep it coming! ^^

Haha, I honestly don't see 'em as too hellish, but I should work on more light-hearted stuff anyway.

But yeah, I'll definitely keep depth of composition in mind as much as I can moving foward, thanks for the feedback!

[Image: parashambolic_by_taylor_payton-d7le64o.png][Image: elementary_by_taylor_payton-d7o3ms1.png]
[Image: harlequin_concepts_by_taylor_payton-d7ovk89.png][Image: file.php?id=14980&sid=69fb9bbaae11c6a705ee9e3ff4c2e166]

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
Finished the Leyendecker-Ref'd piece for the Bali Illustration Workshop!
[Image: purgatory_stroll_by_taylor_payton-d7p03b9.png]

Also, here's another Illustration I might polish up more so.

[Image: cathedral_cardinal_by_taylor_payton-d7ox80m.png]

and some quickies:
[Image: bunny_and_bike_by_taylor_payton-d7n14vp.png]

[Image: lone_rider_by_taylor_payton-d7h93cc.png]

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
'Sup Daggers!

I'm a bit scattered at the moment, practicing design, style, figures, landscapes, portraits, etc...probably going to have to home in one two or three subjects and get very proficient at those.

Hmm, or perhaps I can roll them all into one holistic notion, and simply practice that for progress!

Getting too philosophical, I'll just post some art and go back to studying.

[Image: file.php?id=15582&sid=f92ad5b83caba1cd261eff4062213d27]
[Image: file.php?id=15581&sid=f92ad5b83caba1cd261eff4062213d27][Image: file.php?id=15580&sid=f92ad5b83caba1cd261eff4062213d27][Image: file.php?id=15579&sid=f92ad5b83caba1cd261eff4062213d27]

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
Been working as a professional in-house illustrator these past few months! But of course, I can't show anything yet.


I do have a few studies to drop off though.

Not going to lie, I've been hating 90% of everything I've been doing, but that's because my definition of what's good blew up VASTLY. So I've been playing catch-up :D.

OH, I do work from home now, as I fortunately negotiated it. Meaning I can more easily take breaks from my work to do sketches and studies.

So, I basically work remotely for a production house.

It's also ALL grayscale. I've been learning a lot about values, composition, and edges.

Again, wish I could show the stuff! It'll probably be by this Summer, but I'll be beyond it then, haha.

Here's more personal work I haven't shown here yet.

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
Very good studies, liked the sketches a lot.
Also glad you started working remotely, traffic can suck a lot of precious time :)
And dude please don't hate the stuff you had to make for work, that kind of attitude wears you out after some time.
Anyways keep up the good work :)

(11-18-2014, 10:31 AM)AliceChopper Wrote: Very good studies, liked the sketches a lot.
Also glad you started working remotely, traffic can suck a lot of precious time :)
And dude please don't hate the stuff you had to make for work, that kind of attitude wears you out after some time.
Anyways keep up the good work :)

Thanks for the kind words, AC! I'm hitting a turning point so the positivity should be back soon *u*!

But yeah, here's some today things, y'all.

The rock is ref'd from an Andrew Wyeth piece, and the dude is a 1-hour work I've been tinkering with. I've recorded the process.

Also, they both have Red under paintings. It's been a really fun technique to implement.

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
Yeah man!

Finally you get on some posting. Haha.

That dude in the red light and shadow is looking so sexy. I think there's too much of a hard S shape in his right leg and it could be a little longer. Everything else is looking so good.

Archreux: I'm back with a fury! Thanks for the crit and kind words. Plus those skype paint-overs, man. Helped loads-n'-loads.

As for now, here's a couple WiPs and a study! I have some traditional things I'm working on too! scans are overduuee.

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
Nice pieces,
esp liked the wood elf lady, lovely autumn colors. I know its a w.i.p. but it can benefit from more value range I suppose.
Looking forward to see those traditional works :)

AliceChopper: Thanks for the advice! I actually finished the piece-- posting it now with a couple other things I've done in the interim between the last post and now.

Sketches, studies, etc...Working towards goals and turning failures into firepower.

[Image: oracle_by_taylor_payton-d8bxtwp.jpg]
[Image: rio_the_illusory_witch___level_2_by_tayl...8et2dp.jpg][Image: joy_of_autmn_by_taylor_payton-d8ig4hf.jpg]

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
One more not-so-quick thing.

[Image: galewing_dragon_by_taylor_payton-d8mx4q5.jpg]

Going to be practicing multi-figure comps, doing master studies, and planning my next moves as far as my freelance and professional goals go!

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
Dropping off some things! Got a lot of commission work these days. Not complaining, haha.

Going to get on those multi-figure comps soon :D.

[Image: entropic_by_taylor_payton-d8n5q1v.jpg]

[Image: comps_by_taylor_payton-d8oeoqt.jpg]

[Image: cfu_by_taylor_payton-d8oh0lm.jpg]

[Image: the_windmill_by_taylor_payton-d8oh0l2.jpg]

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
Couple more things.

[Image: file.php?id=43099&sid=ce1fa8b2db9700d53e2e8cc0396db02c]

[Image: file.php?id=43100&sid=ce1fa8b2db9700d53e2e8cc0396db02c]

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
It's been a while! Missed everyone :D. Can't wait to start commenting on sketchbooks again.

Here's some recent paintings.
[Image: sorceress_nell_velteima_by_taylor_payton-d8swgky.jpg]
[Image: marshland_mission_by_taylor_payton-d8yex97.png]
[Image: eidolons_by_taylor_payton-d928zrp.jpg]

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)

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