Veer's sketchbook
Hey there, daggers. I'll be posting here all my sketches, studies, doodles, sudden inspirations and napkin scribbles (when the case). Critique is much appreciated, as i need to develop my skills.
So, let's gat the party started!

Ok wow, these are way too big, sorry, it's my first post with attachments. I'll need to tweak them better in the future.

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Cool stuff man, I like the armor designs!

Hey Marius,
I know u from Nightdrawers, though I havent been there in a long while.
Nice sketches, I like a lot the armors, the bag carrying horned animal, and I think the first two anatomy studies are the nicest(esp. the lines on the second one)
I'll jump right in with some things I noticed:
- the sepia anatomy studies - I think would have benefited from a more rigurous construction, and the neck on the second one feels a bit disjoined from the spine; also there should be a better twist sugestion between the hips and thoracic cage.
- I like how u rendered the elefant studies, and I think that the rendering of the following insectoids have the black and whites a little to .. "strident", it's maybe more of a personal taste but I think white( almost while) whould have been used better for highlights instead of something similar to contour lines and maybe a little less blacks, with more of a grayscale gradation.
- the neck on the last "Matei" seems olso a bit awkward, maybe a bit too long, too straight and too thick connecting to the cranium, I think a sternocloidomastoid suggestion would have helped figure it out better.
Hope it helped and keep it up. I'm looking forward to ur next posts.
(12-12-2012, 07:14 PM)Callergi Wrote: Hey Marius,
I know u from Nightdrawers, though I havent been there in a long while.
Nice sketches, I like a lot the armors, the bag carrying horned animal, and I think the first two anatomy studies are the nicest(esp. the lines on the second one)

Wow, this is funny! I just looked at your sketchbook and got impressed with it, gave you a comment and then came to my thread, just to find your comment on my stuff. But the real funny part is the Nightdrawerz! What a coincidence, I'm pretty sure I know you too if i saw you.

Thank your for your in depth critique, man, it's pure gold. You pointed out some big mistakes I made. Lucky for me, the 'Matei' were done in 2010, so at least i had some time for improvement... problem is that i somehow wasted that time on other stuff (jobs) and only recently decided to dive in really hard.

The insectoids, you're aboslutely right. That insect was my first time with rendering from just a silhouette, and I learnt my lesson.

So thanks again for your time to point out my mistakes, i'll be giving you a through feedback from now on ;)
More painting! I'm trying to really become one with the tablet...heh. It's pretty hard. I'm also finding it somewhat unpleasant to work on my small wacom bamboo pen&touch. I recently tried a Intuos A4 size and it felt really good, because I'm painting with wider hand movement than the average person.

Anyway, the birdlike creature is the first 'serious' painting (by that I mean something done with a final scope in mind, not just exploring brushes and opacity levels), done a few months ago. The bug is the coloreed version of the earlier b&w piece; the last one is a study and it's also the most recent of them. More to come soon!

I could really use advice and feedback, guys!

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Some mo'! The warrior is a mascot for a martial arts club. It came in 2 versions, one standing and one more logo-like (wich i like better).

The other one is a very recent study - i'm looking to improve the rendering method from greyscale to color.
Tell me what you think!

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Hey mate, welcome! That samurai is rad ( i agree the logo type one looks better)
Just keep doing studies man, and perhaps keep in mind your colours, they seem to be the most notable problem area in my eyes. The last bust of the alien woman stands out to me because even if you didnt post the black and white version you can tell it wasnt started in colour, perhaps try delving straight in full colour next time, may look a bit more natural. Good stuff man!
(12-14-2012, 08:12 PM)deerandfox Wrote: Hey mate, welcome! That samurai is rad ( i agree the logo type one looks better)
Just keep doing studies man, and perhaps keep in mind your colours, they seem to be the most notable problem area in my eyes. The last bust of the alien woman stands out to me because even if you didnt post the black and white version you can tell it wasnt started in colour, perhaps try delving straight in full colour next time, may look a bit more natural. Good stuff man!

Thanks for your crit, man! Yes, for me colors are like dungeons in Skyrim: they all resemble each other, but when you enter, it's a different adventure every time! One thing is for sure, any colored piece needs a solid and correct value drawing. Otherwise i might screw it up big time. So at this point in my development I try to get my values right and then color over it, but my focus is to develop an eye for correct color values, so that I'll approach my studies in color directly later on.

Ah...Skyrim - not a big fan of the game but of the world design in general :).
Some more sketches and studies:
Will post more soon!

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Some more studies:

I painted this a while ago, promo art for a game. It got some nice reviews, but i can recognize the mistakes - really need to study some more fabric & clothes.

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Some practice work - values and getting to ubetter using of the tablet.

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Nice sketchbook, really like your pen and marker sketches you did in your sketchbook, those are looking really nice. Keep pushing it and posting your progress up :).

Some 5-10 min sketches, ballpoint pen. eraser no glory

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Great body studies and character designs, its very inspirational. Great sketchbook.
Some pencil sketches - military apparel, soldiers, fun. Will post more from my visual library construction archives

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Today's lunchbreak sketches.

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Hey everybody!
I finished some practice work - soldier concepts - and here's the results. What do you think?

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Rock texture studies.

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New sketches (didn't have time for something more, and i'm aiming at improving my drafting abilities).

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Some character design, wip.

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