Elderscrollers Sketchy Stuff
Awesome figures and studies-- I'm envious of your clean lines! Keep it up!


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@Bookend: Thanks! :)

Got to practice more landscapes in pencil. Not so happy with this one, do more studies....

Wowweeeeee babeeeeeeey
Practising in ink pen = great idea!

They look great and I see you're applying what you're learning as well - you're not just blindly copying which is great!

Hmm, I would suggest that you don't get too carried away with what is "correct" with anatomy (predominantly facial features) - your male portrait on the bottom right of the sketchbook page looks a bit stiff and lifeless. Unless you enjoy drawing this way and you reckon he looks bangin'... nothing's perfect in art. ^_^

Just my 2 cents, take what you will from it <3

Keep cranking, Elderscroller!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
@smrr: Thanks! Ink is really a great medium, especially because it forces you to think ahead when drawing. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to evolve their drawing skills.
Oh and that portrait you are refering to: oh my....that is awful as hell. I tried out some new approach to shading. Didn´t work for me and I just stopped drawing that. Didn´t erase it from the post because maybe someone will learn something out of it :)

Some random studies and sketches

Some usual pencil  sketching and more ink stuff.

Great work on the figures. I'm so amazed O_O damn i gotta get back to the drawing table haha xD thanks for the inspiration!
@AngeliquevdMee: Thanks a lot!

Some more watercoloring.The first two are plein air. Not too happy with it,because I don´t like the first one and for the second one the beautiful sunlit sky turned to cloudy within minutes, so I only had diffused light to paint.

Practice portrait started in Corel Painter by using digital gouaches (applying what I learned in theory about the medium, especially regarding tiling. Finished in PS) and a watercolor sketch done after watching a nice tutorial by this gentleman:https://www.youtube.com/user/jniths

I feel I can control watercolor more now and apply reasonable textures more controlled. Still have to practice more and I´m going to start using gouaches and oils soon. Experimenting with different traditional media gives one so much more understanding of colors and painting which can easily be transfered to the digital medium as it offers vastly more options and mistakes are easier to correct,e.g. in watercolor, working from the lights to the darks needs getting used to. You have to plan more carefully and leave out the lightest parts. 

Damn dude, the depth of your studies and different media approaches is impressive

@DQ_Nick: Thanks very much!

Some more watercolor practice and pencil sketches. The angel sketch is a first draft for a tattoo someone ordered. I already did one for him in the past. It´s still weird knowing someone walks around with a drawing of mine under their skin...

Some penciling and I´ve started using Corel Painter more. Experimenting with the different brushes, trying out oils

More character sketching and a quick illustration of an NPC meeting from my latest RPG session.This old dude was a halfblind mapmaker wandering deep in the forests together with his "brave" bodyguard. Due to his blindness, he was tricked into believing a simple farmboy with a butterknife was a famous warrior. Oh and his donkey was the most stubborn beast ever encountered...

And  it´s magic time...trying out two sorcerors in dynamic poses. It tends to get easier doing poses in movement and with foreshortening. Not perfect, but better than some time ago

Some wastelander girl (damn Fallout 4....) and sort of a flower mage

Youve been up to some pretty cool stuff man, love it :D

@crackedskull: Thanks very much! :)

Haven´t done any Bargue drawings for a long time, so here is sort of one plus a spider mage

I like that the figure studies are almost never stiff and have some action, even when its an isolated arm or sth like that it still has a purpose like flexing
@phainting: Thanks! I always waged a war against stiffness in my figures. Now finally I start to see a glimpse of victory ahead :)

Ha! These two sketches might not look like much, but each has a little backstory, I´d like to share.

The bear attack was done during a RPG session when a party member was attacked during hunting. I started with the sketch and suddenly realized, I had never drawn a bear before. With no way to get reference, I decided to draw something I had never drawn before, trying out how my visual memory has improved over the past few years (I had of course seen bears before on photos and real life) It turned out ok. Looking at reference after finishing, I found some mistakes, but nothing too serious. I´ll do a couple of studies of bears, so it should be a permanent addition to my visual library.

The second sketch is just a nice example of how ideas sometimes form. I started out wanting to draw a female figure. Nothing else in mind. After a few light strokes I saw a back view in the scribbles, so I built upon that. Then I thought of some sort of pinup while developing the forms, but during that I had the idea of some kind of dress that is growing out of her body or being part of her body which ended in an organically grown dress of wood and leaves, leading to the dryad sketch

Zorn Study done in painter with oil brushes, trying to be painterly and character doodles


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