Elderscrollers Sketchy Stuff
@Tygerson: Thanks! Yeah, eyes are really important in a figure/portrait! Always emphasize them

Some more imaginary figure work done with studies in mind during my last RPG session. It´s a character of a friend of mine playing sort of a priest of the god of the seas.

Some character from a dream I had last night. I was in a Zombie Apocalypse

Hey there!

I love how diligent you are with pencils, even though your digital stuff looks great. I love the enviros, I find them awfully hard to do, so I always enjoy seeing how other people put them together.

Just watch the last sketch, it seems she's twisting her torso a bit too much for comfort :) Great expression on her, though.
@ MajaD: Thanks very much! I really love pencils and as I decided a while ago that I want to push my basic skills, I do a lot of them next to digital stuff :) It is also cool that you can literally draw everywhere you are. Oh and yes, the pose of the last sketch is a bit too exaggerated. Although I managed to take the pose myself...for a brief painfull moment :)

Here´s some practice sketch of a spartan-influenced warrior woman, I felt like doing:

Some more studies of John Howe´s concepts for The Hobbit and a quick character sketch of one of my RPG characters. I´ve painted my RPG group about 3 years ago when I just started out to learn digital painting. Now after some more knowledge and hopefully better skills, I plan to repaint that with better design , technique and updated characters.

Some more sketches for my redraw project. Very sloppy and not accurate regarding anatomy. I´m just trying to find ideas

More character sketches in an almost final pose for a painting

Some quick sketches. More kind of doodles of some lesser nobles and a wasteland amazon

Refined lineart for some characters:

The rest of my 5 redraw characters in lineart:

Too little time lately for serious work :( Here are some doodles, I made while waiting at my doctor´s waiting room:


Some imaginary character sketches, still practising lineworks:


And another character sketch :)



A background for a personal project. Not finished yet, some details are still missing.

Some doodles and a drapery study in pencil:

Digital face variations from the same basic sketch:


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