smrrfette's Odyssey
I understand your frustration 100%, one thing that helped me a little is this video/graph
I hope it helps, keep at it and eventually you will break out of it, and after a while go back to it and break out of it again, and hopefully someday we will learn to appreciate that.
Take a look at your old work, try to find some new artists, make a before/after thingy, really finish something, a real portfolio piece, doesn't matter how it will turn out. C'mon girl!

P.s: Craaaazy signature music LOL, pretty cool

you could just post something you did yesterday tomorrow and take the whole day off. Getting burnt out is the worst and it only happens to people who works super hard! just take a whole day off no drawing at all, and then you will slowly get back into the swing of things.

happens to me all the time, somedays you work 12 hours, (childsplay) some days you work 16 hours, somedays I go too hard then its like 4 hours the next day and i find myself just blowing things off. The key is breaks, like very often, and sometimes it catches up with me and if you work straight for like 5-6 hours specially on something boring it HURTS! rule of thumb is every 2 hrs you break even if your knee deep into something.

I'm not going to tell you what you could specifically do to pass the time. but what i did was something i knew i would also get burnt out on fairly quickly; playing old games that i knew i'd get frustrated with. or doing stuff for hours that would make myself ask, "why am i doing this?" But you know the next day, i found myself slowly getting back into the swing of working super hard.

And yes, it's good that you are making something each day, in the long run we have to get used to that if we want to work in commercial art. not everything we want to do is going to take that same inspiration and motivation, and you just gotta push out that crapp.. as brad rigney once said, "make excuses to draw, you'll be glad you did."

if you go to Dave's old sketchbook on CA on page 61 he gives a little rant about all this and every bit of it is gospel to me. but overtime, you know, the little tidbits of wisdom from other artist you pick up seem to fade away, and you need somebody to remind you they are all true. you can't and you won't be inspired all the time, so just lose that fantasy like we all have to at some point. You
have the right idea by posting each day and being dedicated; that's 100% of this is just doing the work.

On a side note, i think you get burnt out for the exact same reasons i do. You make things, studies etc. and you think that you've worked so hard for the past year that it should look great in a small amount of time... Well sometimes, if you have a good reference and you think just right, maybe that's the case, but 90% of the time, it's going to take more work to create something good and worth looking at.

I find myself looking at stuff i did this month and just saying, "man i'll never make it, (some dude like algen) was way ahead of me at this point." and i just close it. so just skip that altogether and try your hardest each time to make something that is good and worth looking at for you, you'll be glad you did.

I lub you with all my heart smrrfette and i want to see you and everyone on this side who busts their ass succeed because, it's like i tell my friends: Either this is going to work out or it's just a really really mean joke...

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
hey smrrfette,
daily updates are completly overestimated. It is for beginners easier then for intermediate or professtional artists because you are learning basic things and you get pretty fast results (like 60 gesture drawings from posemaniacs or perspective rules) and the basics are pretty unforgiving. It`s either right or wrong.

With a certain level/skillset things become trickier and more complex and you will automatically spend more time on one piece of art (because your art isn`t any longer a happy mistake but controlled and composed and your critical eye is always looking for flaws)

I know that Algenpfleger is a great inspiration for every artist. Everyone was impressed by his huge amount of studies - BUT be burnt out. Physically and mentally. Check his journals on deviantart: he even considered quitting with art! I`m mentioning this because it seems obviously that you are forcing yourself too hard!

I would suggest you to overthink your schedule! Is it really necesarry to update every day?
What about two or three times a week or even every two weeks? Or maybe think what art would you create if you were living on a lonely island without internetconncetion? (haha, no offense australia;-)

Best wishes
and greetings
and keep up the great work!
constructicon - Haha maybe so about the daily updating, we'll see how I go - though I like the self-discipline side of it. When I didn't update my sketchbook last year past a couple of days, I fell into a slump. Besides, I'm working everyday, so I might as well update ^ ^ robogabo's sketchbook definitely inspired me on that one. Doesn't even have to be a huge update, y'know? Even if it's one thing - it keeps the pendulum swinging ;) plus, I fought against hardly any reception/internet service while on the houseboat trying to update my sketchbook... now it's so much easier!

True, algenpfleger is hugely inspiring, though - I don't think I'm working as hard as he did anyway haha. But yes, true about the burning out D: better to play it safe.

But yas, thank you muchly constructicon, your input is always appreciated :D

Fedodika - Haha I feel like I've taken too many days off lately anyways - so one page of drawing isn't going to kill me ;) even if I am feeling shitty

Duuuuuuuuuuuude what would I do without 'choo?! I forgot all about Dave's post in his sketchbook... that's all it took. This morning, I managed to get back into the swing of things - mentally and physically. feels so good! But yeah, I definitely agree with the 2hour break thing, though I tend to walk around at around 40-60mins, considering this standing desk is a killer xD, especially after a morning walk.

Fedodika Wrote:but overtime, you know, the little tidbits of wisdom from other artist you pick up seem to fade away, and you need somebody to remind you they are all true. you can't and you won't be inspired all the time, so just lose that fantasy like we all have to at some point. You
have the right idea by posting each day and being dedicated; that's 100% of this is just doing the work.
You know, I couldn't agree with you more, Fedodika ~
I used to be able to get inspired daily with all of the little fun bags lying around the internet left by my idols and whatnot... but recently, that's changed so much. I'm relying a lot more on my own motivations and leaving all of that good stuff behind.
Fedodika Wrote:I find myself looking at stuff i did this month and just saying, "man i'll never make it, (some dude like algen) was way ahead of me at this point." and i just close it. so just skip that altogether and try your hardest each time to make something that is good and worth looking at for you, you'll be glad you did.
hahahaha tbh, yes. When I'm in the dumps, I check that occasionally. But whenever those negative thoughts pop into my head, I just remind myself to focus on the now. Stop wasting your time comparing yourself to somebody else. But yeah I mostly burn out because of my ideas - the whole, "be you" idea. My ideas suck and I've only been managing to find what I truly love recently, so.. D:

much lav 4 u too Fedodika <3 thanks so much for the support in much needed times! And eeh, indeed D: and what a mean, mean joke that would be...

M.Calza - Awesomeee, I shall check it out tomorrow morning :D hahaha I'm definitely still working on the "really finish something" idea xD. Man, I tells ya, lack of inspiration 1/2 way through a piece sucks balls! But thank you, Mr. Calza! I really appreciate the support, especially in these times D:
P.s. mwahah! One of the best short vids everrr! :D it's such a wonderful tale. Also, it's lovely reading the translation. ^ ^

Had a revelation O:

I know why I suck all over again, especially with painting skin! Ready? *ahem* I do the friggin' studies and then don't apply what I learned right away :D well, I may have kind of already realised that, but... you know when your brain is all confuddled and weighs a ton? Yeah, things have been cloudy... bah, enough of this ._.

So, stuff:
Necks from Bridgman and applied

thumbs for objective 3 for DS (restarrrrt)

really rough lines

fem study

testing, a bit. The study was meant for objective 3, though I'll probably another tomorrow before I start painting:

and yah.
Night daggers o/

Keep it up, don't over-think things, work in the present day!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Yeah! Apply those studies more often, those look EPIC! :)

There is usually more on my blog...

wow - forget my last post ;-) all i said is irrelevant - great post. Love those skincolors. There is a bit of confusion with the proportions but all in all your on a nice track. The portraits are very good - as always and your thumbs are promising.
Oh and one question: do you know the artist kingkosta? You`ll love his stuff ;-)
Hey, I'm glad to read you're back on track again! Keep it going, like you said in your last sentence. Recently I saw a movie which was also about personal development etc and it was said something like that: "What time is it?" "It's here and now" <- I think I will never forget this.

Great studies and sketches, I really love those skincolours as well (:

The point you mentioned with not applying the things you got from the studies right away is a very good point -that might be a thing for me as well, as I often feel I study and study and in the end I don't get better?! I should really plan to have some extra time to apply stuff the same day.


Damn, nothing beats good old fashion hard work, and you've definitely been putting that in. It's really great to hear you've been beating the bad art vibes we all get from time to time, it can be a really shit when it's in full swing. Also cool to hear you've been finding the best way you're able to learn and retain stuff, no two people learn the exact same way. :]

It's been a while since I've checked your stuff and I'm definitely seeing a great amount of improvement in all fields. I'm especially fond of how far you've come with pencils, and just them in general. Your progression actually reminds be a lot of Algens work, and how his sketchbooks looked.

If I could offer any crit it'd be to just have more pieces with a larger time investment. You've already got plenty of volume, and variety.

Keep killing it! :D

Archreux - Long time no see! Thanks man :D yep, definitely a bag full o' brown when it hits hard ~ Yeah haha, I can't believe I never realised... I am such a Malteser at times ;_;
Comparing my pencils to algen? Aaaaaah D: dayum. I wouldn't go so far as to say that! But thank you, I know what you mean by using that kind of compliment
Right back at you! ^ ^

Cyprinus - thanks you Cyprinus! Yep, definitely a good lesson learned! Oh what a wonderful quote ~ but yeah all I can say is we shouldn't shy away from applying studies... I wasted a huge amount of time only studying and not applying and that's something I don't want to happen again. Lets live outside of our comfort zones ;)

constructicon - LOL <3 woo! Brilliant, thanks constructicon! Got a whole lotta work before I actually get skin colours down but hey, taking the first step! Oh yeah, he actually commented on my sketchbook back on CA at the start of 2013 when I had a sketchbook there, that's where I found his art and drooled for around 10 years straight :3 then eventually, one of his tutorials he posted in his thread (I think) or somewhere on levelled me up a tonne and so I thanked him annnndd he's been an even bigger inspiration since ^ ^
thanks again, I'll make damn sure I do from now on! o/

Read quite a bit today, here's some stuff ~

Hands from head ugh, will defeat them one day!

Lines reworked for objective 3

Basic colour - finishing this baby tomorrow...!

And a quick body sketch thing from imagination before bed

woop! Happy to be out of the void... kicking and screaming >:D 047

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
I like your palette on that gasoline piece:) And I like your light and palette on that quick nude stuff...

Keep calm and get in the robot

My sketchbook

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Fedodika - I dunno what to say hahaha. Dammit Fedodika, you really do crack me up! 10 months is a long way away, hopefully I can improve in that time :)
thanks for the support In love

Doolio - Thanks you, Doolio :) one day - maybe... just maybe... I'll actually understand how to paint, and then I might see where you're coming from haha D: all the best!

Couple of hand studies

And a change of plans with the "objective 3" piece for DS. I totally forgot it was meant to have a creature in there of some sort (even though I assigned the task LOL)
So I did this in 8hrs?
1 day late /fail

Will be better next time.

And I most definitely will be finishing the gasolina piece.
and lol I said the magic word! :O

good times

Night daggers o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Wow, that lady perched on the roof of the car is just dripping with attitude!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Ooh, those bridgeman studies In love

Congrats on the 8h piece, you did well. COMMENCING CRITIQUE MODE!

Composition has a few flaws, I see what you tried to do with leading the eye.
I got stuck on the highlighted wall, instead of the 3 people(which is the focal point I assume)
The birds on the right should be a bit lower. Now the birds on the right are there to lead the eye to the 3 people, but I feel that they are not emphasised enough. Characters should be more sharper, usually you should start rendering the focal point and move on towards the less important areas in a picture. I also think the 2nd group of birds should be flying towards the focal point. Hope this helps you.

I constructed a paintover(quite badly, sorry) that illustrates the flow. Im not by any means a great artist so take everything with a grain of salt, also if someone more experienced sees something wrong feel free to call me out on it.

Keep kicking ass!

crackedskull - yay feedback, thank you cracked! :D And I have to agree - I did see many mistakes with it but it was late and so I shrugged 'em off... WHICH IS JUST SO STUPIDLY WRONG! If we see a mistake in a piece we're working on, we should fix it! It's that easy haha. But really, thank you for taking the time and making the paintover - I need these kicks in the butt, because afterall - I'm here for the ass kicking, not any kind of ego boosting.

Tygerson - thank you Tygerson-! I'm glad she gave off that impression... it's what I was going for afterall ^_^

Not much, needed to rest my arm a bit after the skin study, so I read a bit of THOR that a friend let me borrow (today, haha well-timed) and it is freaking AMAZEBALLS to say the least!

So, more hand stuff,

Skin study (gonna apply)

Fixed up the objective 3 piece accordingly, about an extra 30mins?

And that's it,

We'll see how tomorrow goes <3

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Gave my arm a rest, so I read quite a bit and gave my left arm a try:

Just a couple of stuff from life, poops from head and whatnot

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Those fem studies are so much creepier without nipples....

Those sketchbook pages look like you are having a lot of fun. You should get yo ass to a life drawing session, go weekly if you can. I'm planning on doing it sometime soon, this week I believe, when it starts up again and I am going to go with a certain objective each time. For example, maybe I will focus mostly on arms, or the torso, or the relationship between the pelvis and the rib cage. Doing it from life allows you to see all those little connections that you would miss otherwise. I don't think life drawing can replace anatomy studies, but I think they will leverage them a lot.

P.s. Where abouts in Aus are you located?

Jaik - hey thanks man... I think (nipple comment haha) ^ ^! Oh yeah I agree with you about the life drawing, I need to get back into it :( I live in Syd! Which part are you from, dude?

Couple more left handed stuffs. These were quick.

I think I've given my right arm enough of a break - tomorrow it's back on!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Really lovin the second face on the way down, very cyoot <3

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Wow smrrfette, simply wow. I know that it's been a while since my last vist but this improvement is riddiculus =D Keep it up, it very inspiring to see how you grow!


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