Tristan's Book of Spells
So I'm back to CD. I took a somewhat long break and felt like coming back and starting a new sketchbook. I'm keeping this as a place to post whatever comes out of all the studying I do. Hopefully I'll keep this active but it depends on how I end up feeling about it.

Some info about me: My name is Tristan Berndt, I've done some freelancing but I'm primarily a student. I live in Sweden and spend a lot of time studying.

Here's a mix of some old and new

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Hey man, very interesting studies. I took the liberty to check out your portfolio as well. You have some great stuff in there, being professionally active I think helps a lot to the understanding of your work flow. Although I like most of you pieces, I find the one with the blue wings somewhat different. That being said maybe I would change the wings, but maybe it was for a client so you didn't have the freedom required. Anyway great work man it's really inspiring. Also I wanted to ask you a question, how many years you've been busy with Illustration/concept art?

Welcome back man! Love your personal stuff. I dig that type of characters. First two looks a little unbalanced tho. But thats cool, looking forward for more stuff from ya!

Hey thanks guys. Yeah the top two are a little old and I think the biggest critique that should be made of them is just that all the anatomy is made up. Took a while for me to to swallow that pride and just admit I didn't know my anatomy as well as I thought I did. The rest are late night sketches and again, that anatomy isn't too accurate either.

Tsirides: I've freelanced a bit the last year or two. It's hard to say when I started to get really into it but I think I'd say I began studying more seriously starting the summer of 2014 when I graduated (even through I know I wanted to do this as a career for long before that). However I feel like each week I try to study more and work harder than the last so in some ways I feel like I just recently started to get even more serious ;P Now I spend basically all my time studying. I have parents that "get" the whole concept art/illustration deal so they fully support me so I have literally all the time I can ask for (luckiest person in the world, I know).

Anyway, I am focusing on anatomy now so here are my notes on the deltoid (took drawings from Paul Richer and Bridgman to show some visual examples, and I painter over a some of it).

a quick figure drawing before bed. I'll try and figure out how to use a scanner so I can post my traditional studies too.

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Hey Tristan awesome work, your anatomy studies are cool..!! I dig your style and those ruff brush strokes.
Hey thanks man. Got a lot more anatomy coming up!

Had a lot of non-art stuff to do today but I did manage to get some anatomy studies done, also some morning figure drawings.

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Hello I also really like where you going with your personal stuff, i'll probaly come back and stalk you ;) And can i ask what you are studying?

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