Ebi's goals
Since this section is available, I might as well make use of it :) I keep going over the same parts of my books again and again... hopefully a schedule will help me move forward.

So, below are my goals for now. I don't really have a deadline, since my RSI is so unpredictable, but I hope to finish level 1 in about 4 to 6 weeks.

[Image: Daggergoals_zps3d967bf5.jpg]

Every time I finish a section, I'll cross it off the schedule and move on to the next until the whole level is complete.

Some notes:
L1 = Figure drawing for all it's worth
L2 = Loomis’ drawing the head and hands
VP = Vanishing point by Jason Cheeseman-Meyer
DE = Drawing Essentials by Deborah Rockman

*Level I: still life, 9 x line, 1 x value
Level 2: still life line drawings (15x) and value(5x),
Level 3: still life: 20 x line, 10 x value. Figure drawing: 5 x portrait, 5 x whole (use value only if comfortable, otherwise line).
** Level 1: 1 monochrome
Level 2: 1 monochrome, 1 colour
Level 3: 3 monochrome, 1 colour

Old blood sports prompts can be used as exercises to further apply what I’ve learned and to have a bit of fun without actually participating :D

Obviously I can draw other stuff outside this schedule, but this will be my main focus.

Non drawing goals:
Go to bed on time
Eat healthier/exercise more
Study more
Keep room organized/tidy (= more space for drawing/studying)


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