Looking for a study partner
Daggers, I've been seriously motivated to work more on my art and so far I've been doing the best I can. In case you don't know me [you probably don't] I'm a high school student from Romania, 17 years old, passionate about art, currently working on my portfolio.

Now I'm looking for a partner, to study, work and maybe collaborate with.
I don't have lots of requirements, should be around my skill level -> http://warzone16.deviantart.com/ and maybe have a close timezone. I'm from Bucharest so mine's GMT +2.

Due to school I won't be able to work all the time, mostly on weekends or weekday evenings.

In case you'd like to give it a shot or you have any other questions you can send me a private message here, on deviantart or on skype. [metalking095] without the [].



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