Deathline: CKL
1. Professional Goal: Get in to a graduate program. Setup atelier-style studio in school. Work ass off.

2. Financial Goal: Pay off all my smaller student loans. Save $5,000.

3. Family Goal: Find and sustain health insurance for my wife, son, and daughter. ( Most important.)

This year will probably be one of the most important years of my adult life to date, because not only am I trying to change locations, jobs, and lifestyle, I am doing it with my family in tow. Wish us luck.
I just got my first acceptance letter for graduate school. It's the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (PAFA). A bit expensive, but with scholarship and grants, it might be manageable. Still waiting to hear back from four others. BUT, I do at least have a school to go to, so goal one is near completion already!

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