Yo guys :D Aaron over here
My name is Aaron and I am from Sweden from the north :)
It is pretty cold over here, anyways ^_^

I realized that I love drawing pretty late. Like last summer, so I kind wasted time.
Ever since I begun, I learned new things all the time. I realized art is so much harder than I thought. There is so much to learn and it is a life time thing.
I do art because I have dreams like everybody else.

My motivation is fear. Fear to fail in not reach my goals :) I think that is pretty common.
Unlike most of your guys, I am not going to art school :/ I am reading this stupid engineering.
5 painful years and I cannot quit, because I cannot let my mother down (I am originally from Ethiopia).

I want to improve faster and therefore I joined this forum :)
I hope people will help me out, because I will be always there to support you guys. We are kind in the same boat ^_^

Have a nice drawing time ^_^
nice to meet u bro ur right about the goal u have is kind of the same i have too
so keep it up and stay tuned in this forum you will find amazing ppl , for sure
im kind of new here too and what i've found has been really wonderful
(05-06-2013, 02:29 AM)rikudousen Wrote: nice to meet u bro ur right about the goal u have is kind of the same i have too
so keep it up and stay tuned in this forum you will find amazing ppl , for sure
im kind of new here too and what i've found has been really wonderful

AWESOME to hear :D I will surely stay ^_^
Nice to meet you too :)
Welcome Aaron :)
I'm sure you will find amazing people and artists here who will help you out to be better at drawings,and to become better person. Watch our livestreams, hang out with them on -google hangout- and have a lot of fun^^

(05-06-2013, 07:52 PM)Toxicpanda Wrote: Welcome Aaron :)
I'm sure you will find amazing people and artists here who will help you out to be better at drawings,and to become better person. Watch our livestreams, hang out with them on -google hangout- and have a lot of fun^^

HEHEH dude I don't know if you remember me :)
But I was in your steam ^_^
Google hang out?
Do you guys do that as well :)
COOL where can I find this information about the time and stuff :)
I want to join :D

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