Some of my Shtuff for your eyeholes..
Hey errrrrbody! Just thought i'd share some of my work for you guys. Some just straight up concept art, comic book work i've done, etc... I'd LOVE to hear feedback, crits, love, hate, whatever! Just happy to share with fellow Daggers.
(from TOMMEL Design)

[Image: 866_max.jpg]

[Image: 940_max.jpg]

[Image: 701_max.jpg]

[Image: 229_max.jpg]

[Image: 969_max.jpg]

[Image: 595_max.jpg]

[Image: 565_max.jpg]

[Image: 135_max.jpg]

[Image: 061_max.jpg]

[Image: 285_max.jpg]

Thanks for Looking!! Insane, ecstatic

Drop me a line, a friend request or a Like on the TOMMEL DESIGN FB page!
-Tom <--- Me <-- My partner Lunasolaris (Mel) and my Co. <--- MY COMIC!
Cool stuff Tom :-) One thing that you may want to consider is the placement of your characters in some of the illustrations, the running woman and the vampire for example, both of them have their faces very close to the edges of the canvas and I think recropping the images to apply the rule of thirds would help these greatly!

I really dig the last two characters Tom! nice attitude on the female spec ops.
Simon is spot on. those two images need more room to breathe.
All i can add is that you could benefit from practicing edges and materials, including texturing.
Good luck :D

Thank you Lumens and Simonarpalmer for your feedback! I totally hear you guys. My compositions need some more thoughtful placement. I'll definitely be working on activating my canvas and not crowding my work so much.
I've also recently been pushing myself to work with a lot more hard brushes and studying a lot of reference for different textures and surfaces. I tried to really bring that out in my Cover painting for "Division" issue #1
I'll keep pushing and see what i can squeeze out next ;) I'm currently coloring the rest of the comic now and can't wait to do some more fully realized paintings.
Thanks again for the advice <3

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