Hey y'all!
my name is Robert, but I tend to go by the name Raedrob on the internet.
I'm 21 years and picked up digital drawing around Christmas '11.
I used to draw a lot when I was younger, but at the end of primary school I stopped completely. The whole reason for picking it back up may seem a bit silly to some, but at the time I was truly enchanted by My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (I still am tbh). For about the first year that was all I cared about drawing, but I've gotten more interested in expanding my art recently.

I've done studies for a little while, but I want to try and make them more regular and I usually do some croquis gesture drawings as warm ups each day in an attempt to get the roughs of the human body in my head. If I get to do what I want, I'll be starting a bachelor in virtual art and design this autumn, and my overall goal with my art is to be able to use it to sustain myself. I consider myself mediocre at best at this point, but I always strive towards improving!

I found this whole community by chance, and hope I'll be able to improve during my stay here!
I'm not 100 % sure how things work around here, but I'll be sure to do some reading.

If you're interested, feel free to stop by my gallery: http://raedrob.deviantart.com/gallery/

If there's any questions, feel free to ask.


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