Hey folks!
Hi there,

my name is Sebastian Becker and I'm a 18 year old, german artist focussing mainly on digital art. I got into art via the incredible artwork by Todd Lockwood in the "Dungeons and Dragons" Corerule Book. Since then I do art as a hobby. Last year I decided I want to become a professional artist in the gaming industry making my money with illustration and concept art. In November I will start studying graphics design.
I found my way over here by Myrmirada and Wolkenfels which I met at myrmiradas stream.

So enough of talking, here are some pics I did so far:

[Image: RedQueen_by_Sebastian_Becker_scale.jpg]
Red Queen - Queen of Darkness

[Image: AdeptOfErastil_by-Sebastian_Becker_scale.jpg]
Adept of Erastil - Pathfinder custom Prestige Class

[Image: SuckerPunch-Rocket_by_Sebastian_Becker_scale.jpg]
Sucker Punch - Rocket

So nothing left than to hope for getting better through this forum and meeting some nice people


Live is Passion, Art is Passion => Live is Art

My Website: http://sebastianbeckerart.de
My Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/SebastianBeckerArt

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