...*sigh* Hey
Name is Renet. I'm 24, happily single to the point of being a hermit and just came across this study group. Since I found out about the group a few days ago I've been watching the livestreams non-stop and intend to join Bloodsport 5.

I'm an aspiring comic artist, but considering the size and extent of the comic I'm working on I'm taking the time I have with scripting (which I need to build up a stock on since I intend to publish it online) to work on my drawing and improve that as much as I can. Unfortunately though I only have one friend who's into the drawing and improving as much as I am, but when I'm around her we tend to get distracted easily. So in many ways I've felt like there's never been anyone around to help me push to improve myself and keep drawing. So I'm hoping that this group and another project I've been working on keep me focused and help me work out the time and priorities I need to work in a professional environment.

Oh and the reason for the sigh is because I didn't intend to actually join the forum. My past experience with forums equates them to being merely distractions, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to at least join and introduce myself properly. I probably won't be that active here aside from reading and the short (probably long because I'm a talker when I get going) comment or two. Either way, just saying hi and I hope I bring you all something interesting to look at.
Hey man just signed up hope to see yah round :D

"When we first meet people we see shallows, there after fathoms"

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