Christopher Cant's Finished Work
Pchooooooo, some finished stuff

[Image: Blacktop_Orc-Christopher_Cant_zps256e8c60.jpg]

[Image: Amac-Christopher_Cant_zps70d1e0f6.jpg]

[Image: Centaur_Raid-Christopher_Cant_zpsf94aa161.jpg]

A couple more I just finished up

[Image: The_Birth_of_Aalgamash-Christopher_Cant_zpsd8dc8eeb.jpg]

[Image: Spirits_of_Oestomer-Christopher_Cant_zps3857216a.jpg]

Here's a newer piece done using a different process, gives me some cleaner results. Let me know what you think!

[Image: a_song_of_skulls_by_christophercant-d6bu5fa.jpg]

And a couple of older pieces

[Image: duke_mandoran_of_sensburg_by_christopher...67y5ix.jpg]

[Image: verdun_the_storm_by_christophercant-d67y5i4.jpg]

An impressive collection of works my friend. Your composition and lighting is strong. A very painterly feel and grit to them. Do you spend a lot of time doing studies?
Thanks for the comment Jason.

Study wise, I have spent a lot of time sketching from life in the past, and make sure to always have a pencil and some paper on me. I've only very rarely done any proper 'studies' from life/photos/master paintings though; the information doesn't seem to stick very well and I lose focus.

Instead I've found that I tend to learn faster through creating personal paintings and referencing my favourite artists as I paint, sometimes referencing life and photos too. As I'm creating I'll constantly look again and again through my favourite art and that reminds me of the kind of results I am after, so I can steer the piece towards that goal.

So I guess I do spend a lot of time 'studying' but not on 'studies' exactly. Hope that's a satisfactory answer!

Nice works, love the demon with the skulls, really badass!...yeah, the more I look it the more I like it:-)

weapons and other props >

For hi-res (original) images of these designs, please got to
Available for freelance work, contact me via [email protected]
Thanks Nenad!

Haven't had much time to finish stuff recently, but hoping my situation is going to change soon and I'll have more time for painting. Here's a piece I finished a couple of months ago, got a few more to upload soon:


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