Need Help with this fanart
Hello everyone, I recently started painting this:

[Image: IWssCmz.jpg]

Obviously this piece is not very far progressed, but before I start polishing a turd again I thought I might ask for help :D . The picture feels a little bit "heavy" on the right side, I dont know if its the pose, or the general composition. If you find anything that could improve it i would be very glad.

Thanks in advance
that black... it burns. xD
Now seriously, never use pure black that way. Pure black rarely appears on nature.
So you will rarely use it on a painting. Here, that black is like a void that is disrupting everything else.
Also your process seems really chaotic, have you done some value/color thumbnails before start working on this? knowing the values and colors you are going to use before you start with the actual illustration is a must.
Thats most of the time the difference between something ok, and something good or even great.

For the composition, just make the background interesting, like some pandarian stuff like waterfalls and temples. And add something to the left side of the picture (a pet could be cool) to balance the composition.


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