Hi guys :)

So i've been wandering around this forums for a while and I have been tossing up the pro's and cons of actually committing to this kind of thing (In my opinion, it's a serious decision that I am making and I want to make it with complete certainty that I will push through with it.) Decided to push through with it, as I want to start working really soon and want to start getting really serious about it.

Um... where to start.

My name is Sarah.
I'm NZ Maori.
I'm female.
I have an obsession with dinosaurs that could rival a 10 year old boy (Hence the name).
I've been painting for only a couple of months, seriously at least.
Basically I'm just looking for some motivation, inspiration and like minded people to work with.

So that's me.
Hi :D
Hi Sarah!
Welcome to le daggers :D!

Your name is so punny ;)

Hahah yeaah I know that feel when it comes to weighing out the pros and cons of taking this path of life - but now that you've decided, my advice is to make sure you're going to make the most out of it and put in everything that you've got to give!!

That way you're sure to kick ass no matter what!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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