Found you via a new friend, he referred the forum and I thought what the hell :D I can always use more feedback. Plus we are all social creatures, and the internet is our modern vehicle.

My primary media is charcoal, graphite, conte/pastel, ink, and watercolor - the fine arts. I dabble in others. I recently bought me a bamboo tablet and dusted off a very old copy of PS. I need A LOT of help learning the CG media, but would really like to count that as another primary! Used to play with it, but all very basic stuff.

I'm a teacher and professional artist. I teach for the local school district (middle school art) and lessons at one of the city art centers. I also freelance and sell work at events. Still fairly new at all of this, but I like to think of myself as tenacious ;) so any information or advice is taken under account and very much appreciated!

Easiest way to check out my stuff is facebook - Addie's Art (https://www.facebook.com/addietheartist)
Hiya and welcome to the Daggers!! o/

All I can say is yesssssssssssss traditional media! :D
I checked out your art on Facebook, wow - multi-disciplined indeed! Hmm, ways to help improve your CG skills, I might suggest checking out the sub-sections of our forums such as the "Community Challenge" section if you haven't already ~
Also, watching other artists via livestreams is a helpful learning tool in every respect - it's also awesome for just socialising with other artists; if you're able to find the time that is :)

Here's a link to Wolkenfel's amazing livestream app: http://livestreamstatuslist.appspot.com/

Hope you enjoy your stay!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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