Hi My name is Edgar, Actually I´m living in Panama (the country). I´m a B.A. in Graphic Design Emphasized in Marketing and Advertising, But my real passion is illustration and concept art, I have some skills in 3d / Modo, and fall in love with arts Since I was 5... some years ago :). also I´m a silversmith and design jewels, rings etc...Actually I´m working as in-house designer manager for an international consulting company, but trying to be a freelancer and more related to Concept art, I´m here thanks to Noah Bradley. Just hope to learn, improve and be helpful to this community.
Heya Edgar, welcome to the daggers!

I know what you mean about doing a course in a college/university but knowing your passion lies elsewhere :)

I hope you enjoy your stay!

sketchbook | pg 52

I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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