eleven's study progress
It's really hot today so I've been very unproductive. Just gestures and thumbnails...sigh.

Nice works you got there! I quite like the thumbnails and I'm melting away with you /cry. One thing I've noticed about your works is that you could play a bit more with contrast, take the thumbnails for example -> They do look good but all of them look a bit flat. It would help the eye if you guide the viewer through the picture with contrast. Did a quick paintover for the top left one, keep in mind i'm a rookie myself though.
Decide on a stop you want to be the attention on and then work everything around that one point. Really frame that shit!. If you try to make everything in a picture interesting, nothing will really pop out anymore.

I hope this helps!

(Mainly framed the picture with black areas and added white highlights to the crane kinda thing)

Hey Balanaite! Thanks for the heads up on them contrasts, I always seem to lack those in my paintings, mostly because I'm still a little afraid of them. Are tried doing some more thumbs. Spent a lil more time on those. Tell me what you think

my character of the week CA entry:

And some random hangouts poop:

Oh, and I'm going to stop posting those gestures and all, since, y'know...i gotta scan all that and I don't really want to. It's always the same anyway. I will post some sketches i really LIKE in the future. If you guys insist i will, though...but you don't. That's why I like you guys, you're nice to me :)
Some sketches I did (routine done from imagination. I post 'em on my facebook page daily):

And a larger Repin study I'm currently doing. Spent a couple of hours on it and still going. I love that painting so much I can stare at it for another couple of hours.

best, self portrait, ever. lol

cool repin dude keep at it, i feel like you could work a little more big to small with your brush, some of your shapes are scratchy. (still a good study!)

Workshop enthusiast
Workshop blog
looked through your sketchbook and couldn't resist saying that i like your work, it's very inspiring! keep it up ;)
@Mr.Toodles Thanks for pointing that out! Yes, it's like my personal art sickness...sratchy edges. Gotta work those around somehow. I'll figure it out.

@alch Thanks, man, I appreciate it. :)

Here's new batch of sketches. I now got a tumblr, where I comment on each and upload those daily. Also on facebook. But facebook is an ass to upload stuff there.

Enough plugging, more showing. Hope you like those, if not, tell me why! I enjoy and applaud constructive critism. So give me your best, aight? ;)


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