Practice Infinitum
Well it's done, week 1 for the art camp is over. I didn't die, though I feel like shit. I spent most of the week trying to re configure my entire world it seems.
  • At-home big tablet severe malfunction
  • Windows 7 reinstalled, and product key out of uses. Stuck with invalid Windows until I buy a new one.
  • Laptop computer required a new charger, so I could have something to paint on. Laptop from '07 and using wacom from '03?
  • Senior concentration portfolio due
  • Figure Drawing at home assignment due
My assignment, draw someone from life and makeup a background element that correlates to the person. I didn't have to know the model but I choose my roommate because fanart. =P
[Image: xaH69MVl.jpg?1]

Literally, once Noah's art camp arrived everything in my life seemed to turn into a shit storm. I have a lot of personal life going on too, stress not parties lol. It's fucking crazy how bad my luck is. But I digress. These are the color studies and then a not so finished, finished master study of Twilight by Bouguereau.

[Image: 2hfc35Sl.jpg]
[Image: jFXhk2il.jpg]

Sorry for the rant. I learned a lot from all this though. Especially with color. The biggest thing I learned is how much I really don't understand about color. I feel like such a beginner, humbled, and somewhat ashamed. I'm not going to get super down about it though, week 2 starts today. The only thing I can do is press forward and strive to do more/better than week 1. How I began this is not indicative of how I will finish it. I have had time now to understand the difficulty of the task at hand and I can make better judgement on the time it will take to get what I want to get done.

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
[Image: 5yEXnmBl.jpg]
2.5 nude model from life, trying to work on softness..i think i went to soft here.

[Image: DKcBUrpl.jpg]
My first painting from my painting 2 class, finished back in Sept. but never posted...ooops.
I cant remember the amount of hours..more than i would have liked for this result, but i am happy with a few things.

[Image: MdAOeBCl.jpg]
2.5 oil alla prima from a nude model in class. Limited palette, harder than I anticipated.

[Image: zywRUCHl.jpg]
[Image: ZuKVYtfl.jpg]
[Image: uIbR6JQl.jpg]
3 30 min portraits from the second or third session for portrait club.
[Image: 9IrTn2R.jpg]
8 imagination sketches no refs and no real time constraints. Went with intuition and how much i wanted to keep resolving them. Most stopped about an hour or so in. For art camp week 2.

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
[Image: Kb0QYv6l.jpg]

[Image: QQi7WTxl.jpg]

[Image: LrLW0t9l.jpg]

[Image: Bnzlfc4l.jpg]

[Image: d7M0eLNl.jpg]

[Image: 7o7mrU6l.jpg]

[Image: 2eS2IFLl.jpg]

[Image: wLNJMH8l.jpg]

[Image: X2uKLLMl.jpg]

[Image: HGxKUYGl.jpg]

So, this some of the last stuff from my classes, from the still-life week in Noah's art camp, personal speed paints yadda yadda. I've had some ups and downs recently so I'm pretty distracted/discouraged. My girlfriend of 4 1/2 years and I split up. Pretty amicable and such...but it still has wrecked my routines and was right before I went to LA for the Massive Black Workshop. I met a ton of people, had a really great time, found some inspiration and even got a lot of helpful reviews on my portfolio. I got a lot of direction and I know how I need to spend my time...just gotta do it and keep trucking. Sorry the absence everyone..

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
Heeey there. You have really nice sketchbook here. I can see you are working on your anatomy, doing still lifes and some imagination drawings. It's all good stuff. Just keep it up and you'll improve in no time ;) Cheers!

(12-16-2013, 05:38 PM)ramalooke Wrote: Heeey there. You have really nice sketchbook here. I can see you are working on your anatomy, doing still lifes and some imagination drawings. It's all good stuff. Just keep it up and you'll improve in no time ;) Cheers!

Thanks a lot! Just gotta keep moving forward, thanks for the feedback. I checked out your SB and damn man, you're doing great stuff over there. =D

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
On a whim, and by chance? Idk, anyway I found an opportunity for a small studio looking for a character artist. I'm not saying I'm ready for it, or that they'd be fools not to scoop me up but I'm going to apply for the position and see what happens. Why not right? Plus, wouldn't it be cool...

Anyway, wanted to put more design and demonstrate iterative stuff in my portfolio so, I've been working on this character.

[Image: GQZWO8Il.jpg]
Random shitty speed paint, unfocused but thoughtful.

[Image: exdIj7wl.jpg]
Faces first.

[Image: OSYWAsdl.jpg]
3 decent designs just values...

[Image: v8ki7Dpl.jpg]
Pushed one pretty far along and debating contrasts.

Getting ready to sample some color schemes, pick on, and final render wave before submitting an application.

It's a shot in the dark, but it's worth a shot. At this point in my life, I'd rather be shooting in the dark than hesitating to pull the trigger.

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
Finished up the Raven Queen's design over the holiday break, color samples and a final render.

[Image: DDihcHkl.jpg]

[Image: 4mfrnFIl.jpg]

Also for Christmas, I applied to that job, Character Artist, and got some much needed reading. Art and Fear, How to Draw from Scott Robertson...even if it is sold out currently lol, and Figure Drawing for all it is worth by Loomis.

2014 is going to be a very very interesting year I think.

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
Cyborg Swordsman 30m
[Image: mB6avzzl.jpg]

Magic Book/ Secret Sign 30m
[Image: ct59Mdwl.jpg]

Sad Elf Value Sketch 3-4 hrs?
[Image: C6ykElEl.jpg]

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
Custom brushes and some fun colors. Gave it another 2.5 hours.
[Image: jCL3Zhel.jpg]

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
Hey, I just wanna say: Great job with doing the studies. Keep at it and improvement will just keep getting faster and faster. Even if you don't realize it :P

I think my only tip is that you seem to have your shadows go to black, a rule of thumb is that shadows also reflect colour in them. E.g. A shadow facing a blue sky will have a bit of blue in it.

Hope that helps! Keep at it!

Hey man I like the still life's, keep doing 'em!

RealityFix: Thanks for the encouragement! I definitely feel like I'm slowly improving, but progress is progress so I try not to let it bug me too much. I gotta work on the shadows = black thing, my kryptonite!

meat: Thanks man, I will keep doing them as I can! Typically I enjoy doing them, so I like to break them out every once in a while.

Some sketchbook stuff first. Got a Turtle related painting incoming for a class, so lots of studies involving turtles in my near future!
[Image: oHkDZfTl.jpg]

[Image: 61DikCjl.jpg]

[Image: askQo63l.jpg]

[Image: 2k31QwHl.jpg]

[Image: HS3G1iwl.jpg]

Also, made a new schedule to keep me goal oriented!
[Image: k8SvM3Gl.jpg]

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
Armor Study, and a couple thumbnails for a painting assignment.

[Image: jaR519kl.jpg]

Half-human Half-animal. Playing with a sea turtle creature thing. Avoiding ninja turtle motif, trying for more hulkish...looming...creepy stuff.

[Image: 3ZGqPrkl.jpg]

[Image: HdZgfwbl.jpg]

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
GESTURES! Wheeeeeeee!
[Image: di4AweLl.jpg]
[Image: ZW43z6Rl.jpg]

A terrifying spitpaint...robin hood
[Image: tNH7ulIl.jpg]

A sketchy face because new brush.
[Image: cl05difl.jpg]

annnnnnnnd one more turtle monster thumbnail.
[Image: O5rsrD7l.jpg]

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
6 hours of painting from life with a limited palette, burnt umber/titanium white/ivory black
Step 1:
[Image: LbmnQjRl.jpg]

Step 2:
[Image: H4ccYAPl.jpg]

I did some more work, past step 2 but the picture is extra crap apparently. This is one session in and this model will be in this pose for two more 6 hour sessions. I am very excited!

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
[Image: qBUZtG9l.jpg]

an hourish? trying to work a bit from imagination only, specifically trying to paint digitally with a lot of the mindset of traditional. I like it, but there's a lot to improve upon I think.

[Image: 1v9cAYFl.jpg]

Final draft of lines/design for a that turtle monster painting thing, transferring to canvas tomorrow for oils. Should be fun!

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
[Image: QAbVaNrl.jpg]

[Image: tjOO7Jll.jpg]

[Image: tlv741ll.jpg]

[Image: 8lLZ6wsl.jpg]

RPG Illustration group on facebook!

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
[Image: Fr2QSBZl.jpg]
beginning of the day
[Image: dtsJ3hhl.jpg]
hairnet of awesome
[Image: SrmrXwMl.jpg]
end of the day. One more 6 hour session and then no more time. I'll be very sad, easily one of the most beautiful models I've gotten to work with.
[Image: SF8JFhgl.jpg]
Dave Rapoza study for my electronic illustration. Had to pick our favorite illustration from our favorite illustrator and do a 'perfect' digital reproduction.
[Image: iFhMsXEl.jpg]
Facebook illoliferpg group, designing monster cards after our personal demons.
[Image: xoraGBQl.jpg]
Inspiration and much needed learning. I can't wait to spend time on these!

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
Atlanta got snowed in as I'm sure everyone is aware. My car broke down and I had to rely on roommates to get me home. 7+ hours later, I made it back. Unfortunately, classes were canceled the rest of the week and the school closed. So, no traditional updates and no figure painting. =/

I took the time off to finish up that Dave Rapoza study, and I have to say I'm proud of myself, but horrifically aware how short I fall. lmao I am sooo not Dave.
[Image: be0VP8Sl.jpg]
[Image: MYTD7bYl.jpg]
[Image: wjw7W24l.jpg]

I started working on a photo study, and got hit with the worst wave of despair...I know that sounds silly or maybe pathetic, but for the past week or two I haven't wanted to do anything. I've been forcing it as much as I can because I really do want to improve and be successful...I feel like I'm having delayed reactions to the breakup 2 months ago...everything is bleh and nothing really feels right in my life at the moment.

[Image: 249aTeml.jpg]

Sorry for the downer, trying to keep it together, Idk what's wrong with me =/

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
Hey man.
Focus on the things you can do, set up some weekly/daily goals and do your best to acomplish them.
Good luck! Keep it up!


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