Gabriel Ramos' Sketchbook
Hey there guys, not new to the forum, but this is my first post! I'll be posting my progress here with sketches and re-works of stuff! Please comment and critique if you feel so inclined.

Thank you very much for looking.

Here's another image for today. Midna from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Back to school week, here's wednesday's sketch!

The Shaman Goddess – During one of her trances, a goddess took possession of her and remained within her body, coexisting with the original inhabitant. She has strong healing power, and in cases can bring anything back to life. Plus, she has a cool rod that exudes light orbs with unknown effects.

Here's the video with the whole process:

Here's the finished piece for the "Hunted" sketch :

Let me know what you think! Tell me, who is being hunted?


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