Bloodsport # 5 - Ponyo
Hey guysss, this is my first Bloodsport cuz I joined the Daggers a little late but I'm super pumped about it. Miyazaki is my favorite artist so I'm really excited. I love all his films so it was hard to narrow one down but I ultimately chose Ponyo. I've got a few fairly loose comps and a ton of thumbs so I'm looking for as much input as possible so I can start to narrow it down some more. So yeah, crits desired!

Also, a few things I really want to put into this -
- trying to make the composition emulate the motion of a wave/water
- want to show Ponyo's connection with the ocean
- mostly blue color scheme with ponyo's red standing out
- reflect the fun feeling of the film - it should appeal to young kids so a sense of excitement and adventure, and nothing to dark
- should grab your attention through composition and boosted colors

I think I'm also gonna go for a more realistic scheme for this. Once I have some input and can tighten my final comp, studies and color comps will follow.

[Image: ponyocomps.jpg?t=1328126216]

[Image: ponyothumbs1.jpg?t=1328126217]

[Image: ponyothumbs2.jpg?t=1328126217]

[Image: ponyothumbs3.jpg?t=1328126217]

[Image: ponyothumbs4.jpg?t=1328126217]
i like the image on the right. and the david bowie

lol thanks
I definitely like the flow of #2 best, but I would draw more fish in the waves. You can do so many beautiful things with what they did in the film.
no4 is doing it for me big time, something I'd wish I'd have thought of, just love the composition and layout, great stuff!
Hey so here's some studies I've done over the past 2 days. The wave was a particular challenge TT_TT Anyway I'm thinking of recomping my fourth composition at the top of the page - The fourth one seems to be attracting the most people and I think it makes the most successful use of the wave circular wave composition, but the faces on top are a bit troublesome. They work well in the composition but they're a bit distracting - it's very busy up there. I'll have to do one of two things - either recede them and reorganize them in a way that isn't so distracting, or rework the composition completely without them. After showing Ponyo to my little brother for the first time last night (he's turning 5 soon), I realized that from a child's point of view, Fujimoto on the poster may look scary and deter a kid from watching it. I'll have to play with that tonight. I want to be completely set working on the final by Monday morning. Any input is appreciated!
[Image: peoplestudies.jpg]
[Image: wavestudy.jpg]
cool canis! these are coming along nicely! as soon as i saw the wave study i thought you should check out some of these photos on this facebook group; theres some really nice pictures showing how light is shown through waves etc.

I think number 2 is more interesting than 4 o: Well, they're all good! But 2 flows really well and it's dynamic, you know what to look at and it leads the eye. Number 4 seems to lose its focus because of how spaced out they all are. But that's just me :)
Thanks nick, those look good. Thanks Rachel! It's interesting, I've gotten such a variety of responses between people liking 2 and 4! I think I'll just have to go with my gut lol
Study for tonight.....I need to find a good way for rendering the subtle waves of the ocean...
[Image: Sailboatsstudy.jpg]
Well, here's my final image. It's not finished clearly, but this is as it was sent for the deadline. I spent way too freakin long trying to figure out the composition and didn't give myself enough time for rendering :( I'm still going to continue working on this regardless; hoping to get a little feedback. Next challenge I'll have to budget my time better.
[Image: ponyofinalsmall.jpg]

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