Daily studies
Hey guys!

I want to improve my painting skills ~and~ my speed, so I set up o do quick studies each day. I started this on march, but had to stop some 4 months due to work!

Basically my goal is trying to do each one in 30min or 1h, but I did not estabilish a defined rule... I'm still changing considering what I'm lacking the most. The basic is that I'll do an object, landscape, face or body study.

Anyway, I would love to hear commentaries or critiques, because certainly there's a lot of things I'm missing!

All those were done in 30min each:

[Image: 130218cube.jpg]

[Image: 130218picture.jpg]

[Image: 130219picture.jpg]

[Image: 130219pistol.jpg]

[Image: 130220hugh.jpg]

[Image: 130220picture.jpg]

[Image: 130221girlsgeneration.jpg]

[Image: 130221picture.jpg]

This one in 1 hour:

[Image: 130222pistol.jpg]

Again, 30min each:

[Image: 130225picture.jpg]

[Image: 130225sphere.jpg]

[Image: 130226leatherjacket.jpg]

[Image: 130226picture.jpg]

[Image: 130227face.jpg]

[Image: 130227picture.jpg]

[Image: 130228body.jpg]

[Image: 130228picture.jpg]

This one, 1 hour:

[Image: 130301face.jpg]

So, I realized I kind of sucked with faces and tried to focus more on that.

All in 30 min:

[Image: 130304cube.jpg]

[Image: 130304face.jpg]

[Image: 130305face.jpg]

[Image: 130305object.jpg]

[Image: 130306face.jpg]

[Image: 130306picture.jpg]

[Image: 130307body.jpg]

[Image: 130307face.jpg]

And 1 hour:

[Image: 130308face.jpg]

All 30 min:

[Image: 130311face.jpg]

[Image: 130311sphere.jpg]

[Image: 130312face.jpg]

[Image: 130313face.jpg]

Here I realized how shitty I was doing 30min faces, so I decided to stick to 1hour faces later on

[Image: 130313object.jpg]

[Image: 130315face.jpg]

The difference between my 30min face and 1h face

[Image: 130315facedifference.jpg]


[Image: 130316face.jpg]

Then, I stopped studying for 4 months due to various reasons, including going to GDC in San Francisco, finding an apartment to lie with my wife, and tons of animation work that took about 10h per day haha, I was just dying =P

But this week I got back to studying, and I hope to keep on it from now on! One of the reasons I came here is to keep pushing myself =]

The faces were done in 1hour, the objects in 30min. Although I think maybe it's best to just stick with 1hour for everything. I did wish to get away with the lines in the body study haha

[Image: 130806face.jpg]

[Image: 130806object.jpg]

[Image: 130807body.jpg]

[Image: 130807face.jpg]
Welcome man :D


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