Opkluu's Mediocre Sketch Thread
@ ruffledo - Thanks!

@ brainjohnson - Thanks! I can't really see how any of my work compares to something like yours though.

@ rob_powell - Thanks, I'll try to make some more gestures like those, maybe tomorrow or something.

@ Mr. Toodles - Thanks! I didn't load the model myself, as I just took the picture off of google, but there is a way to open all the models in any Source Development Kit. You'd need to use the SDK that comes with Alien Swarm because it's free, unless you have CS:GO, then you can use that SDK to view the model and I think play animations. However, you could simply open up the model in any 3D software by downloading the model in the Dota 2 workshop. You can look up all this on the internet and find a nice, step by step tutorial if you want it.

Okay, I decided to try doing some "Master" studies, because I heard it was a good way to learn. I ran into a bit of a problem, as I had to search for some "Master" artists and their works to replicate. Finally I found a couple of good ones. These are just composition studies, trying to isolate the values and shapes in the piece.

If anyone has any amazing artists that they think I might enjoy, please let me know, I picked a couple of Frank Frazetta pieces for this, as well as some John Fosters.
Good studies!! I believe you nailed it on the second one.

A suggestion from me would be to go further back in time for your studies. Remember that all artists today borrowed from the ones before them, so by studying your favourite artists' favourite artists (woah that's a bit confusing!) will open you to a bigger pool of influences.

A few suggestions would be: NC Wyeth (for its illustration style) Alphonse Mucha's Slav Epics (for its huge compositions) and Gustave Dore's prints (value composition at its best).

Hope it helps!

finally found your sketchbook and its looking sweeeeet!!
These master studies are fantastic! I hope you're learning a butt load from 'em.
Hmmm as for artists, (I'm on my phone, so I hope I got the right site by Googling it without using bookmarks...)
the Golden Age artists are fantastic for studying composition.

Keep it up, looking forward to more!

P.s. dayum, dat linework

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
I second JBZ's suggestion of the Slav Epics (that's what I wanted to see when I suggested we go to Prague haha). Also, my Velazquez book is just a few steps away ;)
Nice master studies. I love the classics, like titian. All the renaissance Italian painters have incredible compositions I've found.
I often have spent hours just looking for a piece of art that I like, so try not to end up just surfing the web for a nice painting that you like, but just start painting something that you somewhat like and could learn from. Haha, It's easy to waste time. Good luck and have fun!

@ JBZ - Thanks! I guess I am getting a bit too ahead of myself. I did try looking up my favorite artist's favorite artists, which is where I got John Foster and Frank Frazetta, so I guess I'll just have to dig deeper?

I also looked at NC Wyeth before, but I couldn't find any nice pictures that I liked, finding good quality photos and pictures on the internet is a bit more difficult than I thought! Thanks for the other two suggestions! I liked a couple paintings of Alphonse Mucha.

@ smrrfette - Haha, thanks! I'm not quite sure if I'm learning anything like technical, or just getting practice and examples of how to set up a good looking range of values and also how to make certain aspects pop out.

I looked through a couple of those Golden Age artists, and I even read through one of the Dr. Fu Manchu comics! It was pretty cool, thanks!

@ deerheadlights - Haha, well, I might just take a look at that Velazquez book then.

@ Zachary McLean - Thanks, I took a look at Titian, and then wandered around searching for Italian renaissance artists for a couple of hours picking out some nice things.

Speaking of italian renaissance artists, I believe all the ones I picked out for this batch of master studies are from said era. I guess I'm a fan of scenes with very dark backgrounds and high contrast! Unfortunately it burns my eyes staring at those pieces while trying to copy them! Haha, but what are you going to do~

Had some time earlier, and I decided to do some more gestures, because I got so much positive feedback on them. I set the timer for 30 seconds, and did about 30 of them. I'm just going to post the better ones. They're in chronological order, which is cool, because you can see that I started out slower, and using more broad, sweeping lines, then to fast, abrupt lines, then sort of a transition back to the more sweeping lines.

Haha, it's also a great workout drawing so fast nonstop!

Your gestures are really great! I love that horse, it's got soooo much motion. The cat is great too.
Hey guys, haven't been active for a bit, but I've been busy since school started again. Either way, I've been taking life drawing classes for the last three weeks, so I've got a couple of good pages to share! I also recently got myself a nice sketchbook with gray pages, so I've been testing out drawing with darks as well as lights.

So, here's some drawings from my sketchbook, a little fan doodle of a Dota 2 hero, and a small self-portrait thumbnail that I'm might base a larger painting off of.

And here's life drawings!

great sketchbook love your dynamic lines you have a very good sense of gesture!
Wha..! Not mediocre at all man! Gestures and figures are beautiful, and the Dota concepts on last page are vey good (want more of those!)
And yes! white charcoal, gotta love it!

love your study of that dark tower canon art, if you knew it was the dark tower your awesome! great art by the way!

18 yr old artist comin atcha Party


Thanks for the comments! I've been a bit occupied with a self-portrait for the past week or so, so I haven't gotten many sketches and things done. I'm not sure how I feel about it, so I may just scrap it and start over trying something new. Either way, I've been playing Darksiders, and although the game play itself seems to be a bit unoriginal, I really like some of the character designs in the game. Therefore I doodled a couple of characters from the game. I also started experimenting with a new technique for coming up with interesting concepts. It's a ton of fun to do, and comes with awesome results, but applying the designs in a different pose or angle might prove to be difficult...

Doodles of the Demon Vulgrim, and The Watcher

Speedpaintings / concepts using new technique

Struggled with the contrast on this one... is it too dark?


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