Passhunate's Sketches
So I'm finally out of school and now have a lot more time to spend improving my artwork. I'm going to be working a lot harder now. It feels like time is just speeding up. And I would like to have a career after college so here are some studies I been working on. I hope you like them. And please critique me so that I can improve. Here are some things I did from the last 2 weeks.

You have a good deal of proportional studies, they look good and like you're putting in the work to learn. The first piece you have of a house though shows that you should work on and read up on perspective and understanding structure a little more.

Overall a good start to your studies, keep up the hard work!

Good stuff man, keep at it!
I know the feeling of time speeding up, good for motivation (and panic.)

Here's what I been working on for the last couple of days. I tried to break the figure down so I could understand what was going on better. But I had a lot of trouble with the legs especially since your like looking down on the pelvis. And the arms did not have that much mass to them so it was really hard to figure out where the muscles where. I also did some studies to help with breaking it down.

atrenr: Thanks for the reply and inspiration.

JonHop: I totally get what you mean. The windows where not in perspective at all. Thanks for the advice.

Here are some things that i did yesterday. I really need to get faster these pose took over 30 minutes each and they still look very poorly done. I also did some faces. That turned out alright.

Hi, guys. I am finally starting my sketchbook up again after two years. Here are the studies that I have been doing for the last two days. This week I think I am going to focus on immersing my characters or people into a space or environment. I also want to work on perspective. I have a personal piece in the works and will post a wip of it tonight. Glad to be back to the community.

Hello. Welcome back to Crimson Daggers. Pretty nice stuff you have here, just make sure you watch your edges in your digital paintings, some loose patches of colour have overlapped the edges of the subjects, such as in that first figure painting.

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