Hello, I'm new!

My name is Nick and I'm from; either PA or FL (can't decide where I want to stay :P). I want to become a conceptartist (that specializes in environments) and/or storyboard artist.

A little bit about myself, I'm 26, and I went to the Art Institute of Pittsburgh after high school and got 3.5 years in only to come to a complete and kind of disastrous halt with my art and since then have just meandering around. Currently, I kinda feel like I'm stuck and not getting anywhere.

I've joined this forum (found out about this forum through CA.org a while back) in hopes of trying to improve my time management and my artwork. I also have a Sketchbook on CA.org, a tumblr, and a blog; I'm still new to the whole social networking bit with tumblr and blogging though.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this, cheers!^_^
Hello Nick :)

Welcome to Crimson Daggers :D


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