Mano's Sketchbook

My name is Romano a.k.a Manó and this is my sketchbook.

I want to improve as much as I can!
I draw since 6 years old, but I never took it that seriously. You know the usual stuff.. Dragonball Z, Naruto. I drew 2 months intensively and then stopped for a few years and then drew DBZ again and so on so on.. But when I turned 18 I realised that drawing is my passion and I want to become a better drawer. So I started to do study's. So now 6 months later I feel like I've become better but I still got a lot to learn!
I work a lot traditionally because I like the natural feeling.. Or maybe its just my addiction to pencils idk..

I'll keep posting my everyday study's.
Top = Latest drawing

First Portrait Drawing

To be honest.. I really don't like it.. I kinda rushed it in the end to finish it because I just wanted to be done with it and start drawing something else.. Still need a lot of practice

Work in process

Bargue Study

Female Study

Still Life

Value Study

Michelangelo Figure Study

Figure study

Classical techniques study

Gesture Drawing

Need a lot of practice on gesture drawing. I don't feel like I got the "swooshiness"... in this drawings.


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