ひきこもり hikikomori sketchbook

So, with the goal of becoming a better artist, I have completely withdrawn to the confines of my bedroom. My situation is unique where I don't really need a day-job, and can dedicate all of my time towards building up skill. The Japanese word for this isolated lifestyle is ひきこもり (hikikomori). I can't speak Japanese...but I do live in my mom's basement.

I'm trying to put together a solid study regime at the moment. I eventually want to fill this thread with lots of hardcore studies and maybe some WIPs. Here are some things that I've managed to do over the past month or so, as a start

[Image: study0205-001.jpg]

[Image: study0206-001.jpg]

[Image: ozmium-prev003.jpg]

[Image: anniemei-prev002.jpg]

[Image: beatrixre-prev002.jpg]

And here's some old and bad™ stuff that I will never finish

[Image: erika-prev008.jpg] [Image: rhodiym-prev007.jpg] [Image: newMelt-prev002.jpg] [Image: faye-prev002.jpg] [Image: luxanna-prev007.jpg] [Image: melt-prev001.jpg] [Image: octavius-prev001.jpg] [Image: reiko-prev003.jpg] [Image: sigismer-prev003.jpg]
Hi! I'm new to this site as well. I saw your post on the introduce yourself forum.

I love your work already :D

Quick question: which artists influence you? Just curious :) I like your coloring
Hi rmd! I guess in terms of technique I still have a lot of influence from Jana Schirmer back from when I was obsessed with her. There's also a little bit of Daniela Uhlig and Serge Birault in me as well. Sometimes I pretend that I'm Jace Wallace but it doesn't ever work

Jonathan H | sketchbook
Thanks! I'm not familiar with them other than Daniela. So ima look at them now haha

The reason I asked is because your coloring seems very versatile in technique. Not sure if you're familiar with Art Germ but your 4th image reminds me of his work.

Keep it up, wanna see some moar :>
Yeah! I always forget but I was really big on Artgerm a few years ago, some of him was bound to rub off on me hah

Jonathan H | sketchbook

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